BMT, Baitul Maal wat Tamwil, is an Islamic microfinance institution that originated in Indonesia. Its Baitul Maal unit runs the social function and manages the Islamic social funds such as zakat, Infaq, sadaqah, waqf, and other charity funds allowed by Shariah. Its Baitut Tamwil unit runs all commercial activities, specifically financing through Islamic contracts ranging from Qard hasan to profit and loss sharing contracts like Mudaraba and Musharaka.
KSPPS BMT Bahtera was established in 1995 to answer the financing needs of the society, and in particular to those of the small and micro enterprises in facilitating and developing their businesses, in the form of capital financing and human capital improvement.
Welcome to this case study, “A Digitalized Islamic Cooperative Institution: KSPPS BMT Bahtera in Indonesia”, by Budi Hardyansyah, Chairman, KSPPS BMT Bahtera.
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