Does the World Need More International Water Law?
From SDG Academy 16 April, 2021
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From SDG Academy 19 October, 2022 |
On 27 October 2020, Global Water Partnership and Wuhan International Water Law Academy (IWLA) organized an online engagement session based on the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Governance for Transboundary Freshwater Security. The topic was ‘Does the world need more International Water Law?’ The event attracted approximately 100 participants. “One of the most encouraging feedback was a participant who realized ‘we don’t need to be lawyers to work with international water law.’ We tend to think that it is always lawyers who exercise the law, but the law is there to be exercised by anyone,” said GWP’s Yumiko Yasuda after the event.
Participants had the opportunity to submit questions prior to the session – these were addressed during a first round of panel intervention. An interactive PollEv tool was also used to allow participants ask questions directly to the panelists during the session. These were answered during a second round of panel intervention. Remaining questions added during the session will be discussed in the MOOC's discussion forum for module 3. The board will be monitored by two IWLA experts (Professor Spijkers and Dr. Devlaeminck) from October 28th to November 11th 2020. Feel free to post your question to the forum and discuss them with your peers and leading experts in the field of international water law.
This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
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