Jeffrey Sachs provides his opening remarks for the session "Transforming ESD: Implementing the UNESCO OER Recommendation within Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships" at TES Solutions Day.
This session announced actions and investments by stakeholder partners to implement the UNESCO Open Education Resource (OER) Recommendation in support of education for sustainable development (ESD). The International Commission on the Futures of Education recognizes that OERs are also essential for supporting educators, students and young professionals on their ESD teaching and learning journeys.
The session demonstrated the importance of creating Diamond OERs that are hosted in Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) Open Educational Resources Repositories (OERRs) that can be used in ESD and training at any stage of life, in any corner of the planet. Our initiative is to create education resources for sustainable development that are free, openly licensed, easily accessed and can be repurposed. This global repository of quality OER is essential if education is to be truly a Global Public Good.