This chapter is part of Module 11: New Directions: Rights and the SDGs and concludes the course Human Rights, Human Wrongs: Challenging Poverty, Vulnerability and Social Exclusion. In this course, the importance of social inclusion was emphasized in the context of stakeholders, as well as from the perspective of those who are excluded from the dialogue. There is an emphasis on human rights-based approaches that include all actors, not just states. Joshua Castellino stresses the importance of the indivisibility of human rights. He argues that there is a good-enough framework on these rights, so now they need to be implemented. He also stresses social protection guarantees, as well as appropriate legal frameworks. He emphasizes the need for South-South solutions, or solutions that are not imposed from the Global North to the South but are based on similar experience and understanding of societies. The final point that he stresses is the need for continued dialogue so that the goals are continuously revisited and reworked in new and developing contexts.
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