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By Lecturer
A. F. Abou-Hadid
Aamir A. Rehman
Aaron Wolf
Aarti Saihjee
Abdel Kader Dodo
Abdou Ramani Traoré
Abdulkarim Seid
Abdullah Antepli
Achim Dobermann
Addisu Lashitew
Ahmed Abou Elseoud
Ahmed Skounti
Aisha Yousafzai
Aishath Muneeza
Alberto Reyes
Alejandro Gaviria
Alejandro Jiménez
Alessio Cavicchi
Alexander Saeri
Alexandra Gillies
Alexandra Said
Alexandre Barbosa
Ali Mufuruki
Alice Aureli
Aline Soterroni
Alison Kennedy
Alistair Rieu-Clarke
Allan Lavell
Alpa Shah
Amar Bhattacharya
Amr Helal
Ana Elisa Cascão
Ana Maria Kleymeyer
Ana María Hernández
Anantanand Rambachan
Anders Jägerskog
Andre Perry
Andrea Ciambra
Andreas Oschlies
Andrew Bauer
Andrew T. Walker
Andrés Sánchez
Angela Renata Cordeiro Ortigara
Angelo Riccaboni
Anil Seth
Anna Inozemtceva
Anna Inozemtseva
Anna Sun
Anna Wai Yu Yau
Anoulak Kittikhoun
Anthony Annett
Anthony Paul
Anton Earle
Antonio Pedro
Apiwat Ratanawaraha
Arkebe Okubay
Aromar Revi
Astrid Hillers
Athanasios Vafeidis
Avan Antia
Awni Behnam
Ayşegül Kibaroğlu
Ban Ki-moon
Barbara Janusz-Pawletta
Barbara Willaarts
Bernarda Elizalde
Bernardo Guillamón
Birgitta Liss Lymer
Bo Rothstein
Bob Boisture
Bunnawoot Bhuntuvech
Byan W. Van Norden
Byoung-Joo Kim
Camila Ribas
Caren Grown
Carl Bruch
Carl Folke
Carl Frey
Carlos Mataix
Carlos Nobre
Carol Graham
Carole Nakhle
Casey Michel
Catalina González
Cate Brown
Cathal Doyle
Catherine Tamis-LeMonda
Chandrika Bahadur
Charles Vörösmarty
Chief Nathaniel Ebo Nsarko
Chris Bataille
Chris Land-Kazlauskas
Christian Brändli
Christian Severin
Christina Leb
Christopher J. Coyne
Christos S. Zerefos
Cielo Magno
Clare Short
Colin Devey
Colin Herron
Cristian Samper
Cristina Amescua Chávez
Cristina Villegas
Dalal Aassouli
Dan Tarlock
Daniel Franks
Daniel G. Groody
Daniel Hincapié
Daniel Kaufmann
Daniel Uribe
Danilo Türk
Dany Bahar
David Daokui Li
David Grey
David Hebart-Coleman
David Jensen
David Rosen
David Satterthwaite
Dawood Ashraf
Deanna Kamp
Debra Roberts
Deirdre Prins-Solani
Devaka Weerakoon
Diego Ruiz
Dimitris Faloutsos
Dinara Ziganshina
Do-Hyun Han
Dolors Armenteras
Dominique Rankin
Doreen Bogdan-Martin
Dorothy Gordon
Edgar Galrão
Edgar Picón
Edgar Pieterse
Edgardo Bilsky
Eduardo Diniz
Eduardo Graterol
Eduardo Moreno
Edward Byers
Eileen Burke
Eissa Ali Abdelaziz
Eleanor Allen
Elisabeth Prügl
Elizabeth McGrath
Elvira Dominguez Redondo
Emilio Guzman
Emma Iriarte
Emma Torres
Emmanuel Guérin
Engin Koncagul
Enrico Giovannini
Eric Foner
Erika Weinthal
Ernest Moniz
Esther Dörendahl
Eugénie Birch
Eun Kyung Kim
Fadi Comair
Felipe Larraín
Fergus Sinclair
Filia Garivaldis
Francesco Sindico
Francisco Rodríguez
Fredrick Mhina Mngube
Funda Suzer
Gabriele Riccardi
Garry Peterson
Gautam Bhan
Georgy Safonov
Germán Andrade
Gino Van Begin
Glenn Denning
Gloria Cid
Gro Harlem Brundtland
Guido Schmidt-Traub
Guilherme Canela Godoi
Guillaume Lafortune
Gustavo Fonseca
Guy Berger
Guy Ryder
Gábor Baranyai
Habib Ahmed
Haroon Bhorat
Harriet Deacon
Hartwig Kremer
Heather Cox Richardson
Herbert P. M’cleod
Heriberto Tapia
Hirokazu Yoshikawa
Homi Kharas
Horst Sterr
Hugo Valin
Håvard Halland
Hélène Masliah-Gilkarov
Ian McCallum
Ilja Riekki
Ivan Zavadsky
Jack Shonkoff
Jackie King
Jacob Petersen-Perlman
Jacqueline Corbelli
Jaehak Oh
Jaffer Machano
Jaime García Alba
James Sauramba
Jan Lundqvist
Janeiro Avelino
Jeemol Unni
Jeffrey Sachs
Jennifer Gross
Jenniver Sehring
Jerome Delli Priscoli
Jesse DeMaria Kinney
Jessica Espey
Jessica Fanzo
Jessica Rawson
Jhan-Carlo Espinoza
Jim Williams
Joan Carling
Joel Kolker
Johan Rockström
Johan Verreth
John Cardinal Onaiyekan
John H. Matthews
John McArthur
John Mearsheimer
John Page
John Thwaites
Jonathan F. P. Rose
Joseph Stiglitz
Joshua Castellino
José Clastornik
José Marengo
Ju-Ho Lee
Juan Carlos Sanchez
Juan Manuel Santos
Juraj Balkovic
Justin Lin
Jörn Schmidt
K. Srinath Reddy
Kailash Satyarthi
Kamal Kishore
Kamran Khalid Sherwani
Karl Stattegger
Katina Michael
Katy Anis
Keisha N. Blain
Ken Conca
Ken Giller
Kevin Noone
Klaus Leisinger
Klaus Wallmann
Konrad Ott
Kusum Ahtukorala
Kyoichi Sugino
Lauren Nicole Core
Laurie Zoloth
Lenka Thamae
Leonie Nagarajan
Liam Smith
Lilian Painter
Linda Yeh
Lindsey O'Rourke
Lisa Deutsch
Lisa Sachs
Lise Johnson
Louis Kasekende
Lucas dos Santos Roque
Luise-Katharina Richter
Luiz Gonzalez Morales
Maayke Aimée Damen
Mahmoud Mohieldin
Maite Aldaya
Makada Henry-Nickie
Manuel Rodríguez
Mara Tignino
Marc Jacobs
Marc Levy
Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo
Margaret Aymer
Maria del Carmen Marques Ruiz
Maria Mendiluce
Maria Sandberg
Maria Vink
Mariana Gonzalez Migueles
Mariana Heinrich
Mariana Mazzucato
Marianne Kjellén
Mariano Montero
Marie-Josée Tardif
Mariele Hernandez
Marilyn Keough
Mark Hannington
Mark Moody-Stuart
Mark Schurch
Martha (Marty) Chen
Martha Rosero-Peña
Martin Fougere
Martin Gambrill
Martin J. Sherwin
Martin Quaas
Martin Visbeck
Martín Andrade-Pérez
Mary Matthews
María Cortés Puch
María Fernanda Espinosa
Massamba Thioye
Matthew Genasci
Matthieu Pegon
Matías Bendersky
Mehmet Asutay
Mercedes Mateo
Michael Cohen
Michael Cooke
Michael Lee
Michael Mann
Michael Obersteiner
Michael Ross
Michael Scoullos
Michele-Lee Moore
Miguel Clüsener-Godt
Miguel Ángel Moratinos
Mikhail Fernandes
Mish Hamid
Mohamed Fawzi
Mohammad Farrukh Raza
Mohammed Amin Adam
Mojib Latif
Monika Arora
Morelia Urlaub
Moubarack Lo
Mwamy Mlangwa
Nadino Calapucha
Nagaraja Harshadeep
Nandan Nilekani
Nathalie Doswald
Nathalie Walker
Nathanial Matthews
Neel Kamal Chapagain
Nele Matz-Lück
Nicola Woodroffe
Nicolas Maennling
Nigel Encalada
Nikodemus Solitander
Niokhor Ndour
Nora Lustig
Nora van Cauwenbergh
Norman Solomon
Olcay Unver
Olga Reyes
Omari Mwinjaka
Owen Flanagan
Owen McIntyre
Paolo de Sa
Patricia Sullivan
Patrick Heller
Paul Collier
Paul Maseli
Paul Polman
Pedro Less
Pedro Uribe
Perrine Toledano
Peter Bakker
Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson
Peter Lindert
Peter May
Peter Newman
Petr Havlik
Philip Fearnside
Phoebe Kounduri
Pia Rebello Britto
Pilar Garcia
R. Scott Appleby
Rabayl Mirza
Raf Tuts
Rafael Diez de Medina
Rahul Goswami
Rami Abdelkafi
Rashawn Ray
Rashid Khalidi
Rebecca Nelson
Renana Jhabvala
Riccardo Valentini
Richard Cash
Richard Johnston
Richard Matthew
Richard Rothstein
Richard Rubenstein
Rick Perlstein
Rita Mesquita
Rob Yates
Robert Lustig
Robert Perrons
Roberto Mangabeira Unger
Ronald Martis
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Rukan Manaz
Ruth Matthews
Ruud Grim
Ryan Jones
Rémi Kaupp
Sabina Alkire
Saleem Ali
Sam Szoke-Burke
Samer Talozi
Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini
Sandra Vilardy
Sangmee Bak
Sara Rendtorff-Smith
Sarah Bradshaw
Sarah Cornell
Sarah Dickin
Sarah Kneebone
Sarah Tobin
Sarra Arbaoui
Scholastica Ponera
Sebastian Izquierdo
Serge Morand
Seth Schultz
Sharif Azami
Sheela Patel
Silja Halle
Silvia Benítez
Solongoo Bayarsaikhan
Sonia Massari
Sonja Koeppel
Soogil Young
Soonman Kwon
Sophie Thomashausen
Stefan Uhlenbrook
Stefano Pascucci
Steffen Fritz
Stephanie McClellan
Stuart Crane
Sung Jin Kang
Susan Parnell
Susanna Hecht
Susanne Schmeier
Sylvester Matemu
Tamara Kutonova
Ted Smith
Tehtena Mebratu-Tsegaye
Therese Sjömander Magnusson
Thomas Elmqvist
Thomas Lassourd
Thomas Lovejoy
Thorsten Reusch
Tiago de Oliveira Pinto
Tim de Meyer
Ulf Riebesell
Umberto Cattaneo
Upmanu Lall
Ute Hentschel Humeida
Valeria Esquivel
Valerie Schmitt
Vasilis Fthenakis
Vedika Bhandakar
Veena Howard
Vera Perdigao-Paquete
Veronica Lo
Verónica Ruiz
Victor Galaz
Vijay Modi
Viktoria Granström
Vinod Paul
Virgílio M. Viana
Vittorio G. Hösle
Viviana Figueroa
Vladimir Smakthin
Vu Xuan Nguyet Hong
Wendy C. Atieno
William Cobbett
William Horak
William Masters
William Sisson
William Vendley
Wing Thye Woo
Ximena Rueda
Xinyue Gu
Yumiko Yasuda
Zaki Schubber
Zorigt Dashdorj
SDG1 No Poverty
SDG2 Zero Hunger
SDG3 Good Health and Well-being
SDG4 Quality Education
SDG5 Gender Equality
SDG6 Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG7 Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG9 Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG10 Reduced Inequalities
SDG11 Sustainable Cities
SDG12 Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG13 Climate Action
SDG14 Life Below Water
SDG15 Life On Land
SDG16 Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG17 Partnerships
By Series
Age of Sustainable Development
Alianzas: un vehículo para lograr el desarrollo sostenible
Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs
The Best Start in Life: Early Childhood Development
Changing Behaviour for Sustainable Development
Cities and the Challenge of Sustainable Development
Climate Action: Solutions for a Changing Planet
Climate Change Science and Negotiations
Climate Change: The Science and Global Impact
Conversations with Global Leaders
The COVID-19 Pandemic
Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Environmental Security and Sustaining Peace
Equity and Inclusion in Education
Ethics in Action
Feeding a Hungry Planet
Freedom Now: The Economic and Political Alternative
From Commitments to Action: Transformative Approaches to Climate Adaptation in Europe
From the Ground Up: Managing Our Terrestrial Ecosystems
Getting a Good Deal: Negotiating Extractive Contracts
Global Public Health
Globalization: Past and Future
Governance for Transboundary Freshwater Security
How to Achieve the SDGs
Human Rights Human Wrongs
Industrial Policy in Africa
Islamic Finance for the Sustainable Development Goals
The Korean Story: Secrets of an Economic Miracle
Lancet Commission: COVID-19
Laudato Si': Care for Our Common Home
Living Heritage and Sustainable Development
The Living Amazon: Science Cultures and Sustainability in Practice
Macroeconomics for a Sustainable Planet
Making Universal Social Protection a Reality
Managing Innovation and New Technologies in the Extractive Industries
Measuring Sustainable Development
Mining and Materials for Sustainable Development Transformations
Natural Resources for Sustainable Development
Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience
Nuestro Futuro
One Health in Practice
One Planet - One Ocean
Organising for the SDGs
Planetary Boundaries and Human Opportunities
SDSN Spotlights
Shaping Urban Futures
Siena International School of Sustainable Development
Sustainable Cities
Sustainable Development: The Post-Capitalist Order
Sustainable Food Systems: A Mediterranean Perspective
Tech For Good: The Role of ICT in Achieving the SDGs
The Turn: From Reactionary Populism to a Progressive Alternative
Transforming Our World: Achieving the SDGs
Understanding Poverty and Inequality
Water: Addressing the Global Crisis
Work and Employment for a Sustainable Future
By Subject
Business and Management
Development Economics
Environmental Economics
Early Childhood Education
Education for Sustainable Development
Education Policy
Higher Education
Primary and Secondary Education
Professional and Vocational Education
Global Studies
Global Governance
Human Rights
International Security
Migration Studies
Food and Nutrition
Public Health
Information Technology
International Investment Law
Environmental Policy
Fiscal Policy
Industrial Policy
Public Policy
Climate Science
Earth Science
Energy Systems
Environmental Science
Marine Biology
Social Sciences
Early Childhood Development
Gender Studies
Urban Planning
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By Language
By Lecturer
A. F. Abou-Hadid
Aamir A. Rehman
Aaron Wolf
Aarti Saihjee
Abdel Kader Dodo
Abdou Ramani Traoré
Abdulkarim Seid
Abdullah Antepli
Achim Dobermann
Addisu Lashitew
Ahmed Abou Elseoud
Ahmed Skounti
Aisha Yousafzai
Aishath Muneeza
Alberto Reyes
Alejandro Gaviria
Alejandro Jiménez
Alessio Cavicchi
Alexander Saeri
Alexandra Gillies
Alexandra Said
Alexandre Barbosa
Ali Mufuruki
Alice Aureli
Aline Soterroni
Alison Kennedy
Alistair Rieu-Clarke
Allan Lavell
Alpa Shah
Amar Bhattacharya
Amr Helal
Ana Elisa Cascão
Ana Maria Kleymeyer
Ana María Hernández
Anantanand Rambachan
Anders Jägerskog
Andre Perry
Andrea Ciambra
Andreas Oschlies
Andrew Bauer
Andrew T. Walker
Andrés Sánchez
Angela Renata Cordeiro Ortigara
Angelo Riccaboni
Anil Seth
Anna Inozemtceva
Anna Inozemtseva
Anna Sun
Anna Wai Yu Yau
Anoulak Kittikhoun
Anthony Annett
Anthony Paul
Anton Earle
Antonio Pedro
Apiwat Ratanawaraha
Arkebe Okubay
Aromar Revi
Astrid Hillers
Athanasios Vafeidis
Avan Antia
Awni Behnam
Ayşegül Kibaroğlu
Ban Ki-moon
Barbara Janusz-Pawletta
Barbara Willaarts
Bernarda Elizalde
Bernardo Guillamón
Birgitta Liss Lymer
Bo Rothstein
Bob Boisture
Bunnawoot Bhuntuvech
Byan W. Van Norden
Byoung-Joo Kim
Camila Ribas
Caren Grown
Carl Bruch
Carl Folke
Carl Frey
Carlos Mataix
Carlos Nobre
Carol Graham
Carole Nakhle
Casey Michel
Catalina González
Cate Brown
Cathal Doyle
Catherine Tamis-LeMonda
Chandrika Bahadur
Charles Vörösmarty
Chief Nathaniel Ebo Nsarko
Chris Bataille
Chris Land-Kazlauskas
Christian Brändli
Christian Severin
Christina Leb
Christopher J. Coyne
Christos S. Zerefos
Cielo Magno
Clare Short
Colin Devey
Colin Herron
Cristian Samper
Cristina Amescua Chávez
Cristina Villegas
Dalal Aassouli
Dan Tarlock
Daniel Franks
Daniel G. Groody
Daniel Hincapié
Daniel Kaufmann
Daniel Uribe
Danilo Türk
Dany Bahar
David Daokui Li
David Grey
David Hebart-Coleman
David Jensen
David Rosen
David Satterthwaite
Dawood Ashraf
Deanna Kamp
Debra Roberts
Deirdre Prins-Solani
Devaka Weerakoon
Diego Ruiz
Dimitris Faloutsos
Dinara Ziganshina
Do-Hyun Han
Dolors Armenteras
Dominique Rankin
Doreen Bogdan-Martin
Dorothy Gordon
Edgar Galrão
Edgar Picón
Edgar Pieterse
Edgardo Bilsky
Eduardo Diniz
Eduardo Graterol
Eduardo Moreno
Edward Byers
Eileen Burke
Eissa Ali Abdelaziz
Eleanor Allen
Elisabeth Prügl
Elizabeth McGrath
Elvira Dominguez Redondo
Emilio Guzman
Emma Iriarte
Emma Torres
Emmanuel Guérin
Engin Koncagul
Enrico Giovannini
Eric Foner
Erika Weinthal
Ernest Moniz
Esther Dörendahl
Eugénie Birch
Eun Kyung Kim
Fadi Comair
Felipe Larraín
Fergus Sinclair
Filia Garivaldis
Francesco Sindico
Francisco Rodríguez
Fredrick Mhina Mngube
Funda Suzer
Gabriele Riccardi
Garry Peterson
Gautam Bhan
Georgy Safonov
Germán Andrade
Gino Van Begin
Glenn Denning
Gloria Cid
Gro Harlem Brundtland
Guido Schmidt-Traub
Guilherme Canela Godoi
Guillaume Lafortune
Gustavo Fonseca
Guy Berger
Guy Ryder
Gábor Baranyai
Habib Ahmed
Haroon Bhorat
Harriet Deacon
Hartwig Kremer
Heather Cox Richardson
Herbert P. M’cleod
Heriberto Tapia
Hirokazu Yoshikawa
Homi Kharas
Horst Sterr
Hugo Valin
Håvard Halland
Hélène Masliah-Gilkarov
Ian McCallum
Ilja Riekki
Ivan Zavadsky
Jack Shonkoff
Jackie King
Jacob Petersen-Perlman
Jacqueline Corbelli
Jaehak Oh
Jaffer Machano
Jaime García Alba
James Sauramba
Jan Lundqvist
Janeiro Avelino
Jeemol Unni
Jeffrey Sachs
Jennifer Gross
Jenniver Sehring
Jerome Delli Priscoli
Jesse DeMaria Kinney
Jessica Espey
Jessica Fanzo
Jessica Rawson
Jhan-Carlo Espinoza
Jim Williams
Joan Carling
Joel Kolker
Johan Rockström
Johan Verreth
John Cardinal Onaiyekan
John H. Matthews
John McArthur
John Mearsheimer
John Page
John Thwaites
Jonathan F. P. Rose
Joseph Stiglitz
Joshua Castellino
José Clastornik
José Marengo
Ju-Ho Lee
Juan Carlos Sanchez
Juan Manuel Santos
Juraj Balkovic
Justin Lin
Jörn Schmidt
K. Srinath Reddy
Kailash Satyarthi
Kamal Kishore
Kamran Khalid Sherwani
Karl Stattegger
Katina Michael
Katy Anis
Keisha N. Blain
Ken Conca
Ken Giller
Kevin Noone
Klaus Leisinger
Klaus Wallmann
Konrad Ott
Kusum Ahtukorala
Kyoichi Sugino
Lauren Nicole Core
Laurie Zoloth
Lenka Thamae
Leonie Nagarajan
Liam Smith
Lilian Painter
Linda Yeh
Lindsey O'Rourke
Lisa Deutsch
Lisa Sachs
Lise Johnson
Louis Kasekende
Lucas dos Santos Roque
Luise-Katharina Richter
Luiz Gonzalez Morales
Maayke Aimée Damen
Mahmoud Mohieldin
Maite Aldaya
Makada Henry-Nickie
Manuel Rodríguez
Mara Tignino
Marc Jacobs
Marc Levy
Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo
Margaret Aymer
Maria del Carmen Marques Ruiz
Maria Mendiluce
Maria Sandberg
Maria Vink
Mariana Gonzalez Migueles
Mariana Heinrich
Mariana Mazzucato
Marianne Kjellén
Mariano Montero
Marie-Josée Tardif
Mariele Hernandez
Marilyn Keough
Mark Hannington
Mark Moody-Stuart
Mark Schurch
Martha (Marty) Chen
Martha Rosero-Peña
Martin Fougere
Martin Gambrill
Martin J. Sherwin
Martin Quaas
Martin Visbeck
Martín Andrade-Pérez
Mary Matthews
María Cortés Puch
María Fernanda Espinosa
Massamba Thioye
Matthew Genasci
Matthieu Pegon
Matías Bendersky
Mehmet Asutay
Mercedes Mateo
Michael Cohen
Michael Cooke
Michael Lee
Michael Mann
Michael Obersteiner
Michael Ross
Michael Scoullos
Michele-Lee Moore
Miguel Clüsener-Godt
Miguel Ángel Moratinos
Mikhail Fernandes
Mish Hamid
Mohamed Fawzi
Mohammad Farrukh Raza
Mohammed Amin Adam
Mojib Latif
Monika Arora
Morelia Urlaub
Moubarack Lo
Mwamy Mlangwa
Nadino Calapucha
Nagaraja Harshadeep
Nandan Nilekani
Nathalie Doswald
Nathalie Walker
Nathanial Matthews
Neel Kamal Chapagain
Nele Matz-Lück
Nicola Woodroffe
Nicolas Maennling
Nigel Encalada
Nikodemus Solitander
Niokhor Ndour
Nora Lustig
Nora van Cauwenbergh
Norman Solomon
Olcay Unver
Olga Reyes
Omari Mwinjaka
Owen Flanagan
Owen McIntyre
Paolo de Sa
Patricia Sullivan
Patrick Heller
Paul Collier
Paul Maseli
Paul Polman
Pedro Less
Pedro Uribe
Perrine Toledano
Peter Bakker
Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson
Peter Lindert
Peter May
Peter Newman
Petr Havlik
Philip Fearnside
Phoebe Kounduri
Pia Rebello Britto
Pilar Garcia
R. Scott Appleby
Rabayl Mirza
Raf Tuts
Rafael Diez de Medina
Rahul Goswami
Rami Abdelkafi
Rashawn Ray
Rashid Khalidi
Rebecca Nelson
Renana Jhabvala
Riccardo Valentini
Richard Cash
Richard Johnston
Richard Matthew
Richard Rothstein
Richard Rubenstein
Rick Perlstein
Rita Mesquita
Rob Yates
Robert Lustig
Robert Perrons
Roberto Mangabeira Unger
Ronald Martis
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Rukan Manaz
Ruth Matthews
Ruud Grim
Ryan Jones
Rémi Kaupp
Sabina Alkire
Saleem Ali
Sam Szoke-Burke
Samer Talozi
Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini
Sandra Vilardy
Sangmee Bak
Sara Rendtorff-Smith
Sarah Bradshaw
Sarah Cornell
Sarah Dickin
Sarah Kneebone
Sarah Tobin
Sarra Arbaoui
Scholastica Ponera
Sebastian Izquierdo
Serge Morand
Seth Schultz
Sharif Azami
Sheela Patel
Silja Halle
Silvia Benítez
Solongoo Bayarsaikhan
Sonia Massari
Sonja Koeppel
Soogil Young
Soonman Kwon
Sophie Thomashausen
Stefan Uhlenbrook
Stefano Pascucci
Steffen Fritz
Stephanie McClellan
Stuart Crane
Sung Jin Kang
Susan Parnell
Susanna Hecht
Susanne Schmeier
Sylvester Matemu
Tamara Kutonova
Ted Smith
Tehtena Mebratu-Tsegaye
Therese Sjömander Magnusson
Thomas Elmqvist
Thomas Lassourd
Thomas Lovejoy
Thorsten Reusch
Tiago de Oliveira Pinto
Tim de Meyer
Ulf Riebesell
Umberto Cattaneo
Upmanu Lall
Ute Hentschel Humeida
Valeria Esquivel
Valerie Schmitt
Vasilis Fthenakis
Vedika Bhandakar
Veena Howard
Vera Perdigao-Paquete
Veronica Lo
Verónica Ruiz
Victor Galaz
Vijay Modi
Viktoria Granström
Vinod Paul
Virgílio M. Viana
Vittorio G. Hösle
Viviana Figueroa
Vladimir Smakthin
Vu Xuan Nguyet Hong
Wendy C. Atieno
William Cobbett
William Horak
William Masters
William Sisson
William Vendley
Wing Thye Woo
Ximena Rueda
Xinyue Gu
Yumiko Yasuda
Zaki Schubber
Zorigt Dashdorj
SDG1 No Poverty
SDG2 Zero Hunger
SDG3 Good Health and Well-being
SDG4 Quality Education
SDG5 Gender Equality
SDG6 Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG7 Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG9 Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG10 Reduced Inequalities
SDG11 Sustainable Cities
SDG12 Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG13 Climate Action
SDG14 Life Below Water
SDG15 Life On Land
SDG16 Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG17 Partnerships
By Series
Age of Sustainable Development
Alianzas: un vehículo para lograr el desarrollo sostenible
Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs
The Best Start in Life: Early Childhood Development
Changing Behaviour for Sustainable Development
Cities and the Challenge of Sustainable Development
Climate Action: Solutions for a Changing Planet
Climate Change Science and Negotiations
Climate Change: The Science and Global Impact
Conversations with Global Leaders
The COVID-19 Pandemic
Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Environmental Security and Sustaining Peace
Equity and Inclusion in Education
Ethics in Action
Feeding a Hungry Planet
Freedom Now: The Economic and Political Alternative
From Commitments to Action: Transformative Approaches to Climate Adaptation in Europe
From the Ground Up: Managing Our Terrestrial Ecosystems
Getting a Good Deal: Negotiating Extractive Contracts
Global Public Health
Globalization: Past and Future
Governance for Transboundary Freshwater Security
How to Achieve the SDGs
Human Rights Human Wrongs
Industrial Policy in Africa
Islamic Finance for the Sustainable Development Goals
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Fadi Comair
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Director General of Hydraulic and Electrical Resources, Ministry of Energy and Water, Republic of Lebanon
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Case study: Orontes River 1 of 1
duration 9 minutes 55 seconds
Case study: Orontes River
Case study: Orontes River
SDG Academy
30 October, 2020
7 plays
This case study discusses the negotiation process on the Orontes River, which is shared by Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey. This video highlights the importance of technical…
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