From SDG Academy
| 2,301 2,301 playsPrice fluctuations happen as a result of the storage process from seasonal harvests and the working of the markets and the supply chain, as these harvests need to be… -
From SDG Academy
| 1,832 1,832 playsThis chapter discusses the current state of our diets and the dietary trends around the world. There are four things that are happening globally: people are consuming… -
From SDG Academy
| 206 206 playsThis chapter talks about rice, the diversity of rice production systems, and challenges that the global rice sector faces. Rice is the oldest domesticated food crop and… -
From SDG Academy
| 50 50 playsTerrestrial ecosystems are important for social and economic reasons through both their products – such as timber, fruits, etc. – and their services –… -
From SDG Academy
| 265 265 playsSustainable Development means precisely the interconnection of economic, social, and environmental objectives. Therefore, it is important to try to achieve all of the… -
From SDG Academy
| 843 843 playsThis chapter serves as a conclusion to the course Feeding a Hungry Planet: Agriculture, Nutrition and Sustainability. It takes people to make a change. Be an informed… -
From SDG Academy
| 403 403 playsThe Amazon has seen a fair amount of environmental degradation and humans have been degrading the environment since the use of fire. Thomas Lovejoy argues that we need… -
From SDG Academy
| 212 212 playsThis chapter discusses food security and how food security is measured, who is food insecure and where they are located, as well as progress to date on addressing the… -
From SDG Academy
| 230 230 playsThis chapter discusses the drivers that impact food systems and health and nutrition outcomes, first focusing on natural resource capital, and then climate change,… -
From SDG Academy
| 87 87 playsThis chapter looks at how modern agriculture has emerged. Agriculture refers broadly to the cultivation of animals, plants and other life forms for the production of… -
From SDG Academy
| 286 286 playsIn the first video of his series Freedom Now: The Economic and Political Alternative, philosopher Roberto Mangabeira Unger argues that traditional progressive politics… -
From SDG Academy
| 247 247 playsIn the ninth video of Roberto Mangabeira Unger's Freedom Now series, Professor Unger lays out his four-part vision of a truly progressive approach to education. … -
From SDG Academy
| 117 117 playsThis chapter provides an overview of the nine targets associated with SDG 15, which relates to terrestrial ecosystems or Life on Land. The targets focus on: preserving… -
From SDG Academy
| 122 122 playsThe post-2015 agenda for sustainable development for the first time has agriculture play a significant role. Sustainable development can be traced to sustainable forest… -
From SDG Academy
| 139 139 playsThe first big challenge that the world suffers from is malnutrition, which means that people eat a diet that contains too few or too many nutrients: at this point, 800… -
From SDG Academy
| 117 117 playsEcosystem services can be divided among those that are provisioning; those that produce market goods that are consumed by human beings; those that regulate the provision…