From SDG Academy
| 875 875 playsThis conversation with Professor Mariana Mazzucato, took place on April 26, 2021, as part of the Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs. They discussed Prof. Mazzucato's new… -
Our Ocean: A Finite Resource 2 of 16
08:44duration 8 minutes 44 seconds
Our Ocean: A Finite Resource
From SDG Academy
| 368 368 playsThe ocean has always sparked human curiosity. In the mid-20th century, people began to realize that there are limits to what humanity should do to our planet before it… -
From SDG Academy
| 154 154 playsIn the period from 1950 to the late 1980s, global catches in fishers have increased from less than 20 million tons per year to about 80 million tons per year. They have… -
From SDG Academy
| 144 144 playsEcosystem services can be divided among those that are provisioning; those that produce market goods that are consumed by human beings; those that regulate the provision… -
From SDG Academy
| 212 212 playsThis chapter introduces various perspectives on the ocean's ecosystem services and how they should be accounted for in economic modeling. In September 2015, the… -
From SDG Academy
| 39 39 playsin this chapter, Paul Collier looks at the politics of how the economic decision chain, from the discovery process of natural resources to domestic investments. He… -
From SDG Academy
| 120 120 playsThis chapter discusses the economic value and ecosystem services of the ocean. The world fisheries and mariculture sector make up multibillion dollar industries, and the… -
From SDG Academy
| 124 124 playsInternational large research projects have focused on the valuation of natural assets and services. Since the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, the idea of ecosystem… -
From SDG Academy
| 103 103 playsIn this chapter Martin Quaas gives some arguments for an economic solution to the global overfishing problem. The fundamental problem is that there is a price for fish… -
From SDG Academy
| 36 36 playsPeter May profiles different frameworks for evaluating the sustainability of terrestrial ecosystems. One such framework is the Pressure-State-Response Framework (PSR),… -
From SDG Academy
| 38 38 playsWhy are we so focused on climate now? First, the world is eating up very rapidly the carbon budget that we have in order to limit global warming to levels that we can… -
From SDG Academy
| 38 38 playsPayment for Environmental Services (PES), created by Ronald Coase, is a valuation concept scheme that grew out of concern about deforestation and led to wide-scale… -
From SDG Academy
| 8 8 playsThis video takes participants through the stakeholder analysis process, including identifying key actors and learning how to categorise them based on influence and… -
From SDG Academy
| 10 10 playsThis video highlights the main takeaways on Tracking the Progress of EbA Implementation: Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning. This video is licensed under the CC… -
From SDG Academy
| 7 7 playsThis video is the first of four mandatory insight unit videos which provide a deep dive into cross-cutting topics of EbA. In this video, participants learn about…