From SDG Academy
| 6,012 6,012 playsEducation is crucial for global development and for the success of sustainable development, but this chapter discusses the content of learning to be good citizens in a… -
From SDG Academy
| 330 330 playsThis webinar introduces the free online resources available through the SDG Academy and ideas on how to integrate those resources into online lessons. This is a… -
From SDG Academy
| 234 234 playsOn July 8, 2020, the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) hosted this special event alongside the United Nations High-level Political Forum (HLPF). Higher… -
From SDG Academy
| 394 394 playsThis Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) Special Event took place on July 7th, 2021. during the UN High-level Political Forum (HLPF) in order to highlight… -
From SDG Academy
| 376 376 playsThis video looks at the effect of the technological revolution on the way education is perceived and implemented world wide, focusing on developing coherent policies on… -
From SDG Academy
| 339 339 playsJoin Professor Jeffrey Sachs and economist David Daokui Li as they discuss Professor Li’s brilliant new book, China's World View: Demystifying China to… -
From SDG Academy
| 309 309 playsThis panel discussion, hosted by the SDG Academy, reviews the role of Education for Sustainable Development in achieving a sustainable and happy world. Panelists: Mr.… -
From SDG Academy
| 154 154 playsCanada's McMaster University has created its first course on exploring the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The students come from all academic backgrounds and… -
From SDG Academy
| 93 93 playsOn September 23, 2020, the SDG Academy was proud to host a dynamic and interactive virtual event on the sidelines of the 8th Annual International Conference on… -
From SDG Academy
| 130 130 playsThe main purpose of Abdullah Gül University's Global Issues & Responsibilities (GLB) Curriculum is to increase students and faculty members' awareness… -
From SDG Academy
| 111 111 playsThe first of its kind in UK Higher Education, and winner of the 2020 International Green Gown Award for Student Engagement (in a large institution) and the AASHE Campus… -
From SDG Academy
| 104 104 playsBan Ki-moon, 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations, and Professor Jeffrey Sachs share a stimulating conversation about the importance of goal setting,… -
From SDG Academy
| 83 83 playsThis plenary session of the International Conference on Sustainable Development took place on 20 September 2021. Organized by Mission 4.7, the session featured four… -
From SDG Academy
| 65 65 playsThe UI GreenMetric World University Rankings and the SDGs Center Universitas Diponegoro recently launched a new student program entitled the "1st International… -
From SDG Academy
| 19 19 playsTo contribute to the UN Transforming Education Summit, Mission 4.7 convened a special Ministerial Panel to highlight countries’ work and commitment towards making… -
From SDG Academy
| 47 47 playsOn January 31, 2023, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network hosted “Pandemic pivots: How lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic can improve the future of…