Earth Day 2024
From SDG Academy
657 playsThere is rising scientific evidence that humanity has now entered a new era that is defined as the Anthropocene, in which humanity is shaping the entire biosphere in a… -
From SDG Academy
34 playsThis video is the first video of unit 2.1 of the course Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience taught by Nathalie Doswald, Mikhail Fernandes, and… -
From SDG Academy
68 playsThis video provides a brief introduction to the concept of EbA and its three basic elements. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license. -
From SDG Academy
82 playsThis chapter discusses the social foundations for the planetary boundaries. This goes back to the Brundtland Report of 1987, which defined sustainability as a… -
From SDG Academy
54 playsThis video is a collection of perspectives regarding tipping points and planetary boundaries. This course on planetary boundaries and human opportunities is the first… -
From SDG Academy
134 playsDr. Anthony Annett discusses the third section of the Pope’s encyclical, which highlights the roots of the existing ecological crisis. The encyclical frames the… -
From SDG Academy
865 playsThe sixth wave of globalization is the one expected to characterize the 21st century. In this chapter, Professor Sachs provides an overview of the Planetary Boundaries… -
From SDG Academy
17 playsThe modern international environmental movement started with the Stockholm Environment Conference convened by the United Nations in 1972, followed by the Earth Summit in… -
From SDG Academy
14 playsThis chapter focuses on three of the main targets of SDG 15, which are to halt deforestation and ecosystem degradation, promote sustainable management of both… -
From SDG Academy
19 playsThis video is the second video of unit 1.1 of the course Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience taught by Nathalie Doswald, Mikhail Fernandes, and… -
From SDG Academy
6 playsThis video is the second video of unit 4 of the course Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience taught by Nathalie Doswald, Mikhail Fernandes, and… -
From SDG Academy
3 playsThis video is the third of four mandatory insight unit videos which provide a deep dive into cross-cutting topics of EbA. In this video, participants learn about… -
From SDG Academy
32 playsAs part of the Sumatra Peatland Restoration program, Belantara Foundation helped to develop an integrated farming that includes cattle fattening, organic fertilizer,… -
From SDG Academy
121 playsBirds contribute to pest predation and control, among many ecosystem services at agricultural landscapes. Trees can contribute to ecosystem regulation, shelter and… -
From SDG Academy
1,167 playsPlastic in the ocean is polluting the ocean, but in order to address this problem, we need to know where the plastic is within the ocean. In this chapter, Dr. Erik Van… -
From SDG Academy
1,155 playsThis video addresses the question of how to deal with the plastic problem in the ocean in a sustainable way. Scientists all over the world are busy researching what…