01:13:04duration 1 hour 13 minutes
Public Private Partnerships for SDG Capacity…
Public Private Partnerships for SDG Capacity Building and Training
This virtual side event of the UN Summit of the…
01:29:32duration 1 hour 29 minutes
Community and partnership-based approaches to…
Community and partnership-based approaches to capacity building in the water sector
Recognizing that research, knowledge transfer,…
11:42duration 11 minutes 42 seconds
"One Health" and the Sustainable…
"One Health" and the Sustainable Development Goals
05:27duration 5 minutes 27 seconds
Sukuk and Green Sukuk
Again, Sukuk can be used as fiscal support, for…
13:35duration 13 minutes 35 seconds
Introduction to Economic Linkages
In this chapter, Anthony Paul talks about the…