Search for tag: "debt"

Pillar III - Risk-Sharing and Entrepreneurship (Distribution)

The third pillar, risk-sharing and entrepreneurship, is about the distribution channel, affecting both individuals and organizations. Islamic economics promotes an exchange-based financial system on…

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From  SDG Academy 0 plays

Islamic Social Finance Instruments: Qard Hasan

Qard hasan (good loan) is given without expecting a return by the creditor with the pure intention of helping the debtor. Since Qard hasan is a gratuitous contract, no profit should be gained from…

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From  SDG Academy 2 plays

Principles of Islamic Moral Economy

The prohibition of interest (riba) although not the entire purpose of Islamic finance, is the fundamental basis for any financial and economic transaction. Islamic ethical principles are akin to the…

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From  SDG Academy 3 plays

Saving, Investment, the Fiscal Deficit, and the Management of Public Debt

This chapter is about saving investment, the fiscal deficit, and management of the public debt. It begins with a focus on the saving investment and current account. In open economies, borrowing and…

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From  SDG Academy 3 plays

What Happens When Governments Go Broke?

This chapter focuses on government insolvencies and government spending. When governments take on so much debt that they can’t cover debt servicing, and when they face questions of their…

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From  SDG Academy 8 plays

Other Dimensions of Global Partnerships

Professor Sachs begins this chapter with a discussion of the importance of domestic resource mobilization and the elimination of tax cheating for achieving the SDGs. He also talks about debt relief…

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From  SDG Academy 38 plays