Search for tag: "egypt"
Sustainable water resource management in Spain and EgyptThis chapter summarizes some lessons learnt and provides related case studies in Spain and Egypt.Learning outcomes: Learn about successful case studies for specific countries and products Obtain a…
From SDG Academy
9 plays
Case Study: NileThis chapter examines transboundary water rights in the case of the longest and largest river in the world, the Nile, which crosses several state boundaries. This video is licensed under the CC…
From SDG Academy
6 plays
Food Loss and Food Waste in the MediterraneanThis chapter discusses food loss and food waste along the food supply chain in the Mediterranean, explains the opportunities for food loss and food waste at the consumer level and through societal…
From SDG Academy
11 plays
Food waste management: Successful case studies in EgyptDr. Helal discusses rice waste management and making use of the waste material into value-added products. He first gives some points to consider: is the waste material available only seasonally? Is…
From SDG Academy
16 plays
Civilizations: Evolution of the Mediterranean DietAgriculture and horticulture in the ancient Mediterranean were carried out by the ancient Egyptians and the Hittites, among others who are able to make use of natural river irrigation in alluvial…
From SDG Academy
25 plays
The Origin of the Mediterranean DietThe basics of the Egyptian diet, bread and beer, were made for their main crops, wheat and barley. Honey, dates, and fruit juice were used for sweeteners, and garlic and onions for flavoring.…
From SDG Academy
40 plays