Search for tag: "extractive industries"
Introducing SDG 7: Affordable and clean energySDG 7 seeks to increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency, enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to…
From SDG Academy
41 plays
Researching Contracts using ResourceContracts.orgA key part of negotiation preparation is familiarity with standard and specific contractual terms, particularly from peer countries with comparable extractive sectors and of the company with whom the…
From SDG Academy
101 plays
Conclusion to Getting a Good Deal: Negotiating Extractive Industry ContractsMuch of the work of contract negotiations happens before anyone sits down at the table. Learn about next steps you can take in negotiating extractive industry contracts. This video is licensed under…
From SDG Academy
18 plays
The Legal Framework and Roles of ContractsIn this opening session, Alberto Reyes places contracts in the context of a country’s overall legal and policy framework. What are the differences between licensing and contract regimes? What…
From SDG Academy
162 plays
Q&A | Daniel Kaufmann | 2020 May 26The live Q&A session took place on May 26, 2020, and answered questions related to the natural resource governance in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. Dr. Daniel Kaufmann is President…
From SDG Academy
145 plays
Q&A | Lise Johnson | 2018 Apr. 12Lise Johnson answers learners' questions on international investment law and extractive treaties. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
6 plays
Q&A | Anthony Paul | 2017 Apr. 17Anthony Paul answers questions about economic linkages and the extractive sectors. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
2 plays
Q&A | Thomas Lassourd | 2016 Oct. 11Thomas Lassourd, a senior economist with the Natural Resource Governance Institute, answers questions on fiscal regimes around extractive industries. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA…
From SDG Academy
3 plays
Downstream LinkagesIn this chapter, Anthony Paul looks at the downstream linkages of oil, gas, and minerals and the benefits of extracting, selling, and converting these resources into useable products. When and how do…
From SDG Academy
11 plays
Natural Resource FundsIn this chapter, Perrine Toledano discusses natural resource funds and sovereign wealth funds. If these funds are well-designed and governed, they can help countries to escape the resource curse and…
From SDG Academy
28 plays
Challenges of revenue managementIn this chapter, Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam discusses the challenges of extractive resource management. Extractive resource revenue is an important source of revenue for most resource-rich countries, but…
From SDG Academy
19 plays
Human rights and the extractive industriesIn this chapter, Deanna Kemp talks about human rights and key international frameworks on business and human rights, as well as the challenges associated with operationalizing the corporate…
From SDG Academy
21 plays
Environmental Impact Assessments and Environmental Due DiligenceSaleem Ali provides an overview of the environmental assessment process, by which regulators can manage the ecological and economic costs and benefits of natural resource development. The impacts of…
From SDG Academy
164 plays
Environmental Challenges and Trends: MiningIn this chapter, Daniel Franks outlines some of the key environmental trends associated with the extractive industries and looks at what the policy options are available to address and manage these…
From SDG Academy
33 plays
Environmental Challenges and Trends: Oil and GasIn this chapter, Daniel Franks outlines some of the key environmental trends associated with the extractive industries and looks at what the policy options are available to address and manage these…
From SDG Academy
34 plays
Fiscal Regime ImplementationIn this chapter, Matthew Genasci discusses contract-based systems, including both production sharing arrangements and service contracts, in comparison to royalty tax systems. He explains service…
From SDG Academy
27 plays