Search for tag: "fresh water ecosystems"

Governance for Transboundary Freshwater Security - Trailer

Freshwater scarcity, stress, and crisis are increasing worldwide. More than a billion people live in water-scarce regions, and 3.5 billion could experience water scarcity by 2025. These pressures…

From  SDG Academy 10 plays

Terrestrial and Inland Freshwater Ecosystems, Part I

This chapter looks into different types of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and differing definitions of ecosystems, including: A human-determined transition between different types of…

From  SDG Academy 26 plays

Terrestrial and Inland Freshwater Ecosystems, Part II

Terrestrial ecosystems have very close connections with inland freshwater ecosystems in terms of both flora and fauna; to protect a fishery, protect a flooded forest. Forests that occur alongside…

From  SDG Academy 45 plays

Introduction to SDG 15

This chapter provides an overview of the nine targets associated with SDG 15, which relates to terrestrial ecosystems or Life on Land. The targets focus on: preserving freshwater, sustainably…

From  SDG Academy 117 plays