Search for tag: "industries without smokestacks"

Shariah Governance Framework: Key Components Part II

While the Central Shariah Boards provide guidance to local stakeholders in the implementation of standards at the country level, the institutional Shariah Boards provide the Shariah approvals or…

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From  SDG Academy 3 plays

Industrial Policy in the 21st Century: The Challenge for Africa - Trailer

According to The World Bank, Africa’s working-age population is expected to increase by nearly 70% by 2035. Without industrialization to create jobs, it will be difficult to achieve sustainable…

From  SDG Academy 39 plays

Q&A: Will all sectors of the economy benefit from industries without smokestacks?

Will all sectors of the economy benefit from industries without smokestacks? This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

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From  SDG Academy 3 plays

The New Dynamics: Conversation with Paul Maseli, Director of United Nations Industrial Development Organisation

Paul Maseli asks how recent trends affect the interpretation of Industries without Smokestacks. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

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From  SDG Academy 71 plays

Q&A: What about the limitations of industries without smokestacks?

New Director of UNU-WIDER Kunal Sen provides some question on the potential of industries without smokestacks. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

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From  SDG Academy 14 plays

Q&A: Can Africa compete with East Asia?

Can Africa compete with East Asia? What key drivers of industrialization can support traditional and new industries in Africa? Manufacturing was the driver of industrialization and growth in East…

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From  SDG Academy 7 plays

Q&A: What role can existing African industry play?

What role can existing African industry play? This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

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From  SDG Academy 3 plays

Q&A: Will industries without smokestacks offer as much potential for growth?

Will industries without smokestacks offer as much potential for growth? This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

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From  SDG Academy 6 plays

What is industry?

John Page gives us a quick introduction to key terms regarding industrial policy in Africa. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

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From  SDG Academy 3 plays

How to avoid capture of politicians?

Former World Bank Chief Economist, Justin Lin, suggests the way to avoid political capture is to only support industries where there is a comparative advantage. This video is licensed under the CC…

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From  SDG Academy 1 plays

The challenge for Africa

This chapter serves as a recap for the importance of industrialization for African countries, particularly in view of the young and growing population, the four key drivers of industrialization, and…

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From  SDG Academy 6 plays

Case Study: Lessons from Ethiopia

Ethiopia is often cited as an example of best practice in industrial policy in Africa. Arkebe Okubay. Minister and Special Advisor to Prime Minister, shares his views on industrial policy - a topic…

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From  SDG Academy 64 plays

Industrial policy: what, why, how?

This chapter explores the question "What is industrial policy?" in an effort understand the World Bank approach towards industrial policy, with emphasis on the 'investment…

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From  SDG Academy 17 plays

Drivers of industry: agglomerations

In this lecture, you will learn how to define 'agglomerations' and/or 'clustering' in the context of industrialization, and why agglomeration presents a challenge for governments.…

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From  SDG Academy 2 plays

Win-win policies

This chapter provides ideas for designing a structural or industrial policy for Africa, and how these policies work for both traditional manufacturing as well as industries without smokestacks. …

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From  SDG Academy 5 plays

Case Study: Lessons from East Africa

John Page interviews Louis Kasekende, former Chief Economist of the African Development Bank and Deputy Governor of the Bank of Uganda, about industrial policy in the region. This video is licensed…

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From  SDG Academy 21 plays