Search for tag: "mitigation"
EbA and WaterThis video is the second of three sector-specific insight units. In this video, participants learn about the importance of EbA for water security and how EbA can be integrated into water management…
From SDG Academy
11 plays
Climate justiceThis video is the first of five videos which highlight cross-cutting topics that should be included in all EbA projects. In this video, participants learn about the topic of climate justice. This…
From SDG Academy
10 plays
EbA in the context of sustainable developmentTo distinguish EbA from similar approaches and enhance understanding of the concept, EbA is placed in the context of sustainable development. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
5 plays
Implementing SDG 13: Climate actionSDG 13 urges us to take action to combat climate change. Mitigating and adapting to climate change requires large financial investments. In this video, you will learn about green investments and the…
From SDG Academy
20 plays
Interview with Miguel Clüsener-Godt, UNESCOThis video is the third video of unit 2.2 of the course Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience taught by Nathalie Doswald, Mikhail Fernandes, and Xinyue Gu. What are…
From SDG Academy
8 plays
Mitigation PoliciesThis lecture looks at the policies that can lead to climate change mitigation. This video is not available under a Creative Commons license and should not be considered open content. However, the…
From SDG Academy
21 plays
Climate MitigationThis lecture explains why climate change mitigation is so important, adding on the importance of adaption and mitigation. This video is not available under a Creative Commons license and should not…
From SDG Academy
38 plays
Social Fragility, Conflict, and MitigationThis chapter discusses how water and climate change are becoming drivers for social fragility, for conflict and for human migration.
From SDG Academy
12 plays
Towards COP21This chapter discusses the path towards COP21 in Paris in December 2015. COP15 in Copenhagen was unsuccessful in reaching a new binding framework. Copenhagen set markers, such as the limit of 2…
From SDG Academy
20 plays
Recent History of Climate ChangeThis chapter discusses current trends in climate science, beginning with maps produced by Professor James Hansen. The first map shows a bell curve of temperatures for each place during the time…
From SDG Academy
15 plays
Climate Change Adaptation and MitigationThis chapter sinuses how agriculture contributes to and is affected by climate change and how it can reduce its negative contribution. The people who are most affected by climate change are those who…
From SDG Academy
34 plays
The Ethics of Migration and RefugeesThis chapter discusses the complexities surrounding the ethics of migration and how different causes of migration require different approaches, and suggests a three-pronged approach for mitigating…
From SDG Academy
71 plays
Mitigating Environmental Impacts of ReconstructionWhat are tools and approaches to mitigating the environmental impacts of reconstruction? Context-appropriate variations on Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), including accelerated environmental…
From SDG Academy
6 plays
Technology RDD&DThis chapter discusses the technology development that needs to underpin an agreement. The patent system allows the inventor of a useful new technology the exclusive right to use that new precursor…
From SDG Academy
8 plays
The Three-Tiered Structure of Mitigation CommitmentsThis lecture discusses the structure of the negotiations at COP21 and how they can produce a meaningful agreement to achieve the 2 degree Celsius limit on mean global temperature increase using the…
From SDG Academy
9 plays
Basic Principles of a Global AgreementThis chapter discusses the headings that negotiations need to be attentive to to reach a fair, efficient, and meaningful agreement. The agreement has to lead to deep decarbonization to stay under the…
From SDG Academy
9 plays