Search for tag: "sdg15"
Sustainable Forest ManagementThis chapter from our course on terrestrial ecosystem management explores the potential negative effects of extracting forest products. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
13 plays
Partnerships for Implementing SDG 15Partnerships for Implementing SDG15, role of international and regional banks, project and system management. Not long after the Second World War, a meeting at Bretton Woods established the World…
From SDG Academy
8 plays
Evaluation of Public Policies for SDG 15This chapter focuses on three of the main targets of SDG 15, which are to halt deforestation and ecosystem degradation, promote sustainable management of both terrestrial ecosystems and inland…
From SDG Academy
14 plays
How SDG 15 Links With Other SDGsSustainable Development means precisely the interconnection of economic, social, and environmental objectives. Therefore, it is important to try to achieve all of the Sustainable Development Goals…
From SDG Academy
268 plays
Introduction to SDG 15This chapter provides an overview of the nine targets associated with SDG 15, which relates to terrestrial ecosystems or Life on Land. The targets focus on: preserving freshwater, sustainably…
From SDG Academy
117 plays