Search for tag: "stabilization"

The Permanent Income Consumption Theory

This chapter focuses on the permanent income view of consumption and saving, delving deeply into mechanics and also exploring how taxes can be incorporated into a discussion of consumption and…

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From  SDG Academy 17 plays

Inflation, the Fiscal Budget, and Seigniorage

This chapter discusses inflation, unemployment, and stabilization. It begins with the example of hyperinflation in Zimbabwe in the late 2000s, and provides other real world examples. It talks about…

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From  SDG Academy 22 plays

Stabilization Themes

This chapter focuses on stabilization, which is the reduction of inflation to a very low level, and explains the tools to understand stabilization. These tools include stabilizing the exchange rate,…

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From  SDG Academy 6 plays

The Basics of Aggregate Demand Management

This chapter talks about the role of government induced tools, such as actions by the central bank or actions in budget spending and tax decisions, towards a stabilization policy. Stabilization…

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From  SDG Academy 62 plays

Three Big Problems with Aggregate Demand Management

This chapter mentions three problems with stimulus policies. First, it may not be so easy to raise aggregate demand using the specific policy tools that government has, and examples are tax cuts and…

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From  SDG Academy 32 plays