Search for tag: "unemployment"

Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals

In this video, Mahmoud Mohieldin talks about how the progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals has been promising yet uneven across countries. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a catastrophic…

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From  SDG Academy 2 plays

The Budget, Public Revenues and Expenditures

This chapter discusses fiscal policy and institutions, beginning with a focus on the Maastricht Treaty, and goes on to explain fiscal balance, with a discussion of aging populations and unemployment.…

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From  SDG Academy 4 plays

Inflation, the Fiscal Budget, and Seigniorage

This chapter discusses inflation, unemployment, and stabilization. It begins with the example of hyperinflation in Zimbabwe in the late 2000s, and provides other real world examples. It talks about…

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From  SDG Academy 22 plays

Inflation, Unemployment, and the Phillips Curve

This chapter discusses inflation and unemployment, as well as problems of stabilization. There is a trade-off between inflation and unemployment. Professor Larraín explains setting the…

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From  SDG Academy 125 plays

Costs of Unemployment, Effects of Digitization on Labor Markets, Informality and Underemployment

This chapter focuses on several important topics for labor markets: the costs of unemployment, the effects of digitization on labor markets, informality, unemployment, and distinguishes between…

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From  SDG Academy 3 plays

Labor Market Institutions: Minimum Wages, Unionization, Contracts

In this chapter, there is emphasis on labour market institutions, minimum wages, unionizations, and contracts. The differences in institutions are one of the causes in the differences in performance…

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From  SDG Academy 7 plays

Labor Markets, Concepts, Definitions, and Groups

This chapter covers the labor market model. Professor Larraín begins with a real-world case, examining why the unemployment rate is so much higher in the Euro area than in the US; much of this…

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From  SDG Academy 6 plays

Partial-Employment Economy

In this chapter, Professor Sachs discusses an economy that is not fully employed, or an economy that is in an economic recession or depression. He explains the factors that are responsible for…

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From  SDG Academy 34 plays

Macroeconomic Pathologies

In this chapter, Professor Sachs compares a macroeconomy to a human body, addresses what pathologies could afflict a macroeconomy, as well as addresses what a healthy economy looks like. A healthy…

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From  SDG Academy 49 plays

Introduction to Macroeconomics

In this chapter, Professor Jeffrey Sachs introduces the course on macroeconomics for a sustainable planet, as well as his co-professor, Felipe Larraín, Chile’s Finance Minister. Sachs…

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From  SDG Academy 136 plays

Macroeconomics for a Sustainable Planet - Trailer

Unemployment. Inflation. Protectionism. Trade barriers. Fiscal deficit. These are not just terms in an economics textbook or in newspaper headlines. These real-life challenges carry societal and…

From  SDG Academy 22 plays