Search for tag: "volunteer"
Implementing SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals - Part 1SDG 17 aims to revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. This video about SDG 17 shows us some examples on how partnerships and collaborations can bring actors together. Martin…
From SDG Academy
12 plays
Voluntariado corporativo mediante cooperativas de caféEn este vídeo, Gloria Cid habla sobre el caso del programa de capacitación la Caixa-BID, una alianza entre el BID y la Fundación la Caixa, que mobiliza voluntarios en proyectos…
From SDG Academy
3 plays
Social Business, CSOs, and Operations where Government is WeakIn this chapter, Professor Sachs discusses the direct provision of services, volunteerism, not-for-profit businesses, and the work of other groups who do social business. He talks about the work of…
From SDG Academy
15 plays