These videos are from the SDG Academy mini-course Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home, first launched in 2015 and taught by participants in the Vatican-hosted Ethics in Action initiative.
From SDG Academy 5 August, 2019
| 134 134 playsDr. Anthony Annett discusses the third section of the Pope’s encyclical, which highlights the roots of the existing ecological crisis. The encyclical frames the… -
The State of Our Common Home 2 of 7
18:44duration 18 minutes 44 seconds
The State of Our Common Home
From SDG Academy 5 August, 2019
| 137 137 playsJeffrey Sachs proviedes an overview of the first chapter of Laudato Si’, entitled, What is happening to our common home. In this chapter, Pope Francis addresses… -
From SDG Academy 5 August, 2019
| 65 65 playsDr. William Vendley discusses how to address integral ecology through personal transformation in addition to collective humanity. He frames this approach in the context… -
From SDG Academy 2 August, 2019
| 42 42 playsEnroll in Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home. What is “Laudato Si”? First presented by Pope Francis – spiritual leader to the… -
From SDG Academy 5 August, 2019
| 53 53 playsBishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo delves into the second chapter of the Pope’s encyclical. The Gospel of Creation, as the second encyclical chapter is… -
From SDG Academy 5 August, 2019
| 36 36 playsJeffrey Sachs addresses how the topics discussed in the earlier chapters–including the anthropogenic roots of the ecological crisis and the theological… -
From SDG Academy 5 August, 2019
| 16 16 playsCardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, one of the chief architects of the Laudato Si' encyclical, discusses the context in which the encyclical was conceived and…