Search for tag: "countries"
IsDB’s Commitment to Climate Change and its Sector StrategiesTo demonstrate its commitments to climate action, the IsDB approved its first Climate Change Policy in February 2019. The policy emphasizes mainstreaming climate action in all the Bank’s…
From SDG Academy
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IsDB Business Model and Operational Result AreasIn this evolving development landscape, IsDB is aligning its business model with the changing needs of its clients. The essence of this new business model is to help member countries to achieve…
From SDG Academy
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Setting the Pace in a Fast-Changing WorldThe world is moving into a fourth industrial revolution, an era marked by a disruptive change in production processes due to advances in technology. This change is compounded by a lack of…
From SDG Academy
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Q&A | Elizabeth McGrath | 2018 Nov. 6Elizabeth McGrath answers question about how countries translate natural resource wealth into sustainable development outcomes. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
1 plays
Mobility, migration, and opportunityWhy are some countries rich and some countries poor?" "Why are some individuals or societies better off than others?" Keep in mind that perhaps the most underrated answer to these…
From SDG Academy
19 plays
The U CurveLearn about the Happiness U-Curve, or the system that measures life experiences to determine when we have the most life satisfaction. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
7 plays
Defining inequalityThis module explores the various definitions and measures of inequality. We're going to look at some of the trends in inequality, largely the income inequality trends, both within countries and…
From SDG Academy
18 plays
Successful Cases and Lessons for Developing CountriesThe results of the Saemaul Movement were even better than the government had anticipated. Since the beginning of the movement, there were many reforms and successes in the villages. Compared to the…
From SDG Academy
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How to Get Started with the SDGs Cooperation Looking ForwardThis video will talk about the question how should developing countries get started with the sustainable development goals. The SDGs are a 15-year agenda to reorient every economy to make sure that…
From SDG Academy
7 plays
Challenge of Sustainable Development for Developing CountriesIntroduction to what we can learn from Korea's economic experience, its history, its efforts, its strategies, its organization and institutions. And how these can be important lessons for not…
From SDG Academy
7 plays
Q&A | Dorothy Gordon | 2018 Oct. 12Dorothy Gordon answers questions about information technology in countries around the world. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
1 plays
Q&A | Michael Ross | 2016 Sep. 22Michael Ross, a professor at UCLA, answer questions on the ethics of importing natural resources from countries without strong regulations, the political factors that influence resource extraction,…
From SDG Academy
1 plays
Corruption and Politics TodayAll of our aspirations for sustainable development depend on good governance. Good governance is vital so that government provides the public investments and the public services that underpin…
From SDG Academy
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Introduction to Economic LinkagesIn this chapter, Anthony Paul talks about the case of oil, gas, and minerals in Trinidad and Tobago and looks at how countries and citizens can get more value from the resources under their soil.…
From SDG Academy
18 plays
Policy Responses: Savings, Spending, Public Debt, and EarmarkingIn this chapter, Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam discusses policy responses to the challenges of extractive resources revenues. He outlines policy responses to address the issues that arise, including optimal…
From SDG Academy
20 plays
International governance initiativesInternational initiatives have emerged since the late 1990s to mitigate the negative impacts of natural resources welath. These include: the extractive industries transparency initiative (EITI) and…
From SDG Academy
38 plays