Search for tag: "earth"
Virtue Ethics: An Indigenous PerspectiveIn this chapter, Grand-father T8aminik (Dominique) Rankin and Grand-mother Marie-Josée Tardif discuss ethics and the connections between people and the Earth in the Anishinaabe tradition of…
From SDG Academy
1,099 plays
Introduction to Water EcosystemsThis video talks about the different roles water plays within the Earth system. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
12 plays
Development of the Sustainable Development GoalsHow can the world of policy and science respond to the latest advancements in science? In the Anthropocene, we can no longer avoid catastrophic tipping points; we need a transition to a world within…
From SDG Academy
75 plays
Reconnecting Human Development to the BiosphereThe biosphere is a thin layer around the Earth that hosts life. In the 1980s, ecological economics tried to reconnect land to economics through the creation of natural capital, the green economy, and…
From SDG Academy
28 plays
Synthesis and Progress on Planetary BoundariesThe planetary boundaries framework is built on our understanding of the pressures of the Earth system, along with the recognition that if we push them too far, we risk crossing tipping points. Using…
From SDG Academy
104 plays
Aerosol LoadingThis chapter explains the concern about atmospheric aerosols, which are liquid droplets or particles that are suspended in the atmosphere. They absorb and reflect light, play an important role in…
From SDG Academy
78 plays
Teleconnections and Inconvenient FeedbacksIn the Anthropocene, we are entering a realm where interconnectedness translates into teleconnections, in which changes in one part of the world impact other parts of the world and can trigger…
From SDG Academy
45 plays
Welcome to the AnthropoceneThere is rising scientific evidence that humanity has now entered a new era that is defined as the Anthropocene, in which humanity is shaping the entire biosphere in a globalized phase of…
From SDG Academy
648 plays
A Hindu Approach to Environmental CareThis chapter looks at the ethical contradictions with human-induced climate change through the lens of hinduism, stressing the importance of non-violence in Hinduism. This video is licensed under…
From SDG Academy
289 plays
Threats from the Sea BedWhat is a tsunami and how does it occur? 80 percent of tsunamis are produced when earthquakes displace the sea floor, and the rest are from landslides underwater. There are experiments being done now…
From SDG Academy
140 plays