Development of the Chaebol & the Financial Crisis: Under the terms of conditional borrowing from the IMF, the Korean government launched a wide-ranging package of economic and financial reforms.…
"Laudato Si' inspired all of us with its call for integral human development. And that means that we have to look at human development with a holistic approach, looking at all dimensions of…
What should be our reactions to forced migration? Well, at the core, we should understand what is forcing this desperate migration and address those underlying conditions. And at the same time, we…
All of our aspirations for sustainable development depend on good governance. Good governance is vital so that government provides the public investments and the public services that underpin…
Each one of us can calibrate what we have available to ourselves. 1. First of all, we have to educate ourselves. 2. Secondly, every one of us is an advocate to those around us, to those we engage…
What, in our opinion, constitutes a good society? One in which humans can flourish and live a life of substance, can live a life of joy, and can live a life in which, while they have inevitable…
Confucian ethics is a tradition that can be used by people from different religious traditions in China. It is a tradition shared by people who may engage in different forms of religious life. They…
The main reason why we destroy nature is so that we can externalize the costs of what we're doing. We pollute nature, and we expect that other people will later pay the bill for it. We use…
Learn about Jacqueline Corbelli's reflection on her position in the Leadership Council for Ethics In Action. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
In this video, we are going to talk about virtue ethics in the Islamic tradition. For any Islamic tradition, or religious tradition, the first thing that needs to be said is, no tradition, no…
I think it's important that the the fundamental teachings of Buddhism include interrelatedness. We call it "dependent origination." Buddhist economics is in contrast to the modern…
It's important that the fundamental teachings of Buddhism include interconnectedness. We call it "dependent origination." Buddhist economics is in contrast to modern economics. Profit…
The topic of this video is the practical and moral flaws of the global economy. Learn about the good, the bad, and the ugly of how our global economy is creating new opportunities while perpetuating…
This video explores some of the ethical actions to end extreme poverty, reflecting some of the deliberations of the Ethics in Action initiative. The moral codes of all of the world's religions…
Artificial intelligence is evolving at an astonishing rate. It's accelerating the long-term process of automation that was begun by the Industrial Revolution two centuries ago. Now, there's…
In this chapter, Grand-father T8aminik (Dominique) Rankin and Grand-mother Marie-Josée Tardif discuss ethics and the connections between people and the Earth in the Anishinaabe tradition of…