During times of unrest and uncertainty, how can faith and ethics help our communities take action towards a brighter future?
This webinar, held on June 30, 2020, featured faculty from the SDG…
All of our aspirations for sustainable development depend on good governance. Good governance is vital so that government provides the public investments and the public services that underpin…
Each one of us can calibrate what we have available to ourselves. 1. First of all, we have to educate ourselves. 2. Secondly, every one of us is an advocate to those around us, to those we engage…
What, in our opinion, constitutes a good society? One in which humans can flourish and live a life of substance, can live a life of joy, and can live a life in which, while they have inevitable…
Confucian ethics is a tradition that can be used by people from different religious traditions in China. It is a tradition shared by people who may engage in different forms of religious life. They…
In this video, we are going to talk about virtue ethics in the Islamic tradition. For any Islamic tradition, or religious tradition, the first thing that needs to be said is, no tradition, no…
I think it's important that the the fundamental teachings of Buddhism include interrelatedness. We call it "dependent origination." Buddhist economics is in contrast to the modern…
It's important that the fundamental teachings of Buddhism include interconnectedness. We call it "dependent origination." Buddhist economics is in contrast to modern economics. Profit…
This video explores some of the ethical actions to end extreme poverty, reflecting some of the deliberations of the Ethics in Action initiative. The moral codes of all of the world's religions…
In this chapter, Grand-father T8aminik (Dominique) Rankin and Grand-mother Marie-Josée Tardif discuss ethics and the connections between people and the Earth in the Anishinaabe tradition of…
In this chapter, philanthropist Jennifer Gross shares a case study of her work with the Millennium Villages Project as a development aid project underpinned by virtue ethics. This video is licensed…
In this chapter, William Vendley finds the points of consensus between religious traditions, and shows how religious communities are well-positioned in terms of both spirituality and infrastructure…
This chapter examines the roots of Western philosophy in classical Greek virtue ethics, emphasizing that a virtuous life requires critical self-inquiry and responsibilities of an individual to…
This chapter emphasizes Hinduism’s belief in the fundamental connection of all things, deriving from a divine source, and across time, so that all actions must consider their effects across…
Rabbi Rosen explains how Jewish virtue ethics are grounded in Jews’ shared history and how that history is codified in biblical covenants that dictate how Jews should understand and value the…
This chapter compares and contrasts classical Greek philosophy with the Confucian tradition, emphasizing its unique virtues such as benevolence and the responsibilities of one generation to another. …