Search for tag: "faith"
Guidelines for Development Institutions’ Engagement with Islamic FinanceInstitutional guidelines can help ensure consistency with the organization’s overall values and policies. Guidelines on faith neutrality can inform institutional roles, partnership documents,…
From SDG Academy
2 plays
Introduction for the Development ProfessionalThere is often an overlap between the objectives of development institutions and those of Islamic finance stakeholders. The opportunity to collaborate in areas of shared interest can be significant…
From SDG Academy
5 plays
Potential Challenges for Development Institutions in Engaging with Islamic Finance StakeholdersAlong with the opportunities for development institutions in working with Islamic finance stakeholders in pursuit of the common and overlapping objectives, there are also challenges which may…
From SDG Academy
1 plays
Ethics for Troubled TimesDuring times of unrest and uncertainty, how can faith and ethics help our communities take action towards a brighter future? This webinar, held on June 30, 2020, featured faculty from the SDG…
From SDG Academy
1,033 plays
The Ethics of Modern Slavery and TraffickingEach one of us can calibrate what we have available to ourselves. 1. First of all, we have to educate ourselves. 2. Secondly, every one of us is an advocate to those around us, to those we engage…
From SDG Academy
95 plays
Religions for PeaceThis case study focuses on William Vendley's organization, Religions for Peace, as an illustration of the conversations and movements happening in religious communities. This video is licensed…
From SDG Academy
773 plays
Pope Francis and Multi-Faith ActionIn this chapter, Bishop Marcelo discusses the origin of multi-religious cooperation for sustainable development, a shared commitment to defend human dignity. This video is licensed under the CC…
From SDG Academy
31 plays
Spirituality and the Common GoodThis chapter discusses spirituality as a basis for civilization, and how rediscovering those spiritual foundations and bringing them together in consensus not only allow us to contribute to common…
From SDG Academy
37 plays
Sustainable Development and the Need for Ethics in ActionThis chapter introduces the Ethics in Action Initiative as a forum through which religious leaders and scholars from traditions around the world came together to find common ground on which to…
From SDG Academy
729 plays
Theology, Philosophy and the EncyclicalBishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo delves into the second chapter of the Pope’s encyclical. The Gospel of Creation, as the second encyclical chapter is entitled, provides the foundation for…
From SDG Academy
53 plays
Pope Francis and the EncyclicalCardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, one of the chief architects of the Laudato Si' encyclical, discusses the context in which the encyclical was conceived and released. Importantly, Laudato…
From SDG Academy
16 plays
Laudato Si' - TrailerEnroll in Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home. What is “Laudato Si”? First presented by Pope Francis – spiritual leader to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics…
From SDG Academy
42 plays