Search for tag: "infrastructure"

What is Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA)?

This video provides a brief introduction to the concept of EbA and its three basic elements. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

From  SDG Academy 68 plays

IsDB Business Model and Operational Result Areas

In this evolving development landscape, IsDB is aligning its business model with the changing needs of its clients. The essence of this new business model is to help member countries to achieve…

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From  SDG Academy 0 plays

Green and Social Investments

Green and social investments are innovative Shariah-compliant instruments designed to finance green infrastructure and development projects. They have the potential to become a new asset class…

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From  SDG Academy 4 plays

Financing Infrastructure

The Islamic financial sector financing infrastructure projects would comply with its ideological standing as these projects are real assets and benefit the community at large. Even though Islamic…

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From  SDG Academy 0 plays

The Role of Financial Sector in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

The financial sector can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals in five key activities that can be discussed under two broad categories. First, proactively promoting sustainable development…

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From  SDG Academy 1 plays

Case Study: An Interest-Free Microfinance Institution - Akhuwat Pakistan

Akhuwat was founded in 2001 with the vision of creating and nurturing a poverty-free society to be built on the principles of compassion and equity, and to support the underprivileged members of the…

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From  SDG Academy 0 plays

Role of Islamic Capital Market Instruments in Sustainable Development

Islamic capital markets have demonstrated unprecedented success in generating finance for corporate and public sectors. Sukuk (Islamic bonds) have been a particularly important Islamic capital market…

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From  SDG Academy 2 plays

Development enhancing investments

The chapter focuses on the role of investments in institutions and infrastructure in improving rural livelihoods and standards of living. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

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From  SDG Academy 2 plays

Measuring multidimensional poverty

What is The Multidimensional Poverty Measure? It is an index that captures the percentage of households in a country deprived along three dimensions of well-being – monetary poverty, education,…

From  SDG Academy 47 plays

Transit-oriented Transport Policy

This E-learning course is designed to cover the relation between the Economic Growth and the Transport development in South Korea. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

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From  SDG Academy 1 plays

Need for Investment

In order to achieve that broad kind of investment, we need contributions from all major sectors of society. Government, for example, has a huge role to play; without government investment in…

From  SDG Academy 12 plays

Programa de Infraestructura Sostenible

Matthieu Pegon, hefe de Inversiones para el área de Financiamiento Mixto de BID Invest, describe los principales desafíos para la financiación de infraestructura en…

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From  SDG Academy 3 plays

Caso infraestructura sostenible

En este videó, Matthieu Pegon y Daniel Hincapié hablan sobre los desafíos de infraestructura en latinoamérica, lo que el BID ha determinado cómo oportunidades para…

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From  SDG Academy 8 plays

Q&A | Doreen Bogdan-Martin | 2018 Oct. 22

In this Q&A session from the 2018 run of the Tech for Good course, Doreen Bogdan-Martin responds student questions about how cities can use ICT to improve urban services and quality of life. …

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From  SDG Academy 7 plays

Q&A | Sophie Thomashausen | 2016 Apr. 14

Sophie Thomashausen, a legal researcher at the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, answers questions on investing, shared use of infrastructure, integrated corridor approaches, and the topics…

From  SDG Academy 13 plays

Sustainable Cities – Trailer

Did you know that experts estimate an additional three billion people will live in cities by 2050? What will the impact be on the current world population – half of which currently lives in…

From  SDG Academy 36 plays