Good governance of social protection systems is one of the preconditions for the effective
realization of human rights. Governance starts at the highest levels of policymaking —…
Institutional guidelines can help ensure consistency with the organization’s overall values and policies. Guidelines on faith neutrality can inform institutional roles, partnership documents,…
Multilateral development institutions have been engaging with Islamic finance through a broad range of activities, including financing, Sukuk, technical assistance and research. There are examples…
Along with the opportunities for development institutions in working with Islamic finance stakeholders in pursuit of the common and overlapping objectives, there are also challenges which may…
While the Central Shariah Boards provide guidance to local stakeholders in the implementation of standards at the country level, the institutional Shariah Boards provide the Shariah approvals or…
Islamic finance has been receiving increased global attention and has emerged as an effective mode of financing sustainable development.
Islamic finance, through its principles, instruments and…
The chapter focuses on what institutions govern the food chain and how can institutions foster equity and inclusiveness. What happens when they do the opposite? This video is licensed under the CC…
The chapter focuses on the role of investments in institutions and infrastructure in improving rural livelihoods and standards of living. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
Introduction to what we can learn from Korea's economic experience, its history, its efforts, its strategies, its organization and institutions. And how these can be important lessons for not…
This video is part of Module 8: How can cities and urban areas be governed better to make them more sustainable? The growing importance of cities and local governments calls for actions geared to…
Resilience has a dual nature, of thinking about sustaining what we want to sustain, AND building the capacity to adapt or transform toward something better. We live in a world that is uncertain and…
In this chapter, Paul Collier looks at why it matters to build a critical mass of citizen understanding so that countries can take decisions that harness resources for sustained prosperity with…
in this chapter, Paul Collier looks at the politics of how the economic decision chain, from the discovery process of natural resources to domestic investments. He claims that these decisions depend…
Transparency is defined as a flow of relevant, timely, and reliable information, information in the economic, financial, social, institution, and political arenas, which is accessible to all relevant…
This chapter focuses on stabilization, which is the reduction of inflation to a very low level, and explains the tools to understand stabilization. These tools include stabilizing the exchange rate,…
In this chapter, there is emphasis on labour market institutions, minimum wages, unionizations, and contracts. The differences in institutions are one of the causes in the differences in performance…