This video is the third of three sector-specific…
This video provides examples of EbA measures that…
The chapter deals with the major trends putting…
SDG 11 is entitled Sustainable cities and…
Cheonggye Stream has historically symbolized…
What Were the Achievements of the Saemaul…
In this Q&A session from the 2018 run of the…
Aromar Revi describes what the Sustainable Cities…
David Satterthwaite answers a wide variety of…
Debra Roberts, a local government practitioner in…
Mariele Hernandez, Project Leader at SDSN Youth,…
Joshua Castellino, Dean of the Schools of Law and…
Sue Parnell answers questions on urban theory and…
Peter Newman, a professor at Curtin University,…
William Cobbett, Director of the Cities Alliance,…
Gautam Bhan answers questions related to urban…