Search for tag: "mdgs"
From the MDGs to the SDGsThis lecture tells the story of the Millennium Development Goals and their evolution into the Sustainable Development Goals, highlighting key conferences and events that led to the development of the…
From SDG Academy
916 plays
Health and Sustainable DevelopmentThis video addresses sustainable development and its relationship with global public health, focusing on the shortfalls of the MDGs and where the SDGs account for those shortfalls. This video is…
From SDG Academy
54 plays
Getting to Know the SDGsAn introduction to the course Transforming Our World: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Jeffrey Sachs profiles the history of the sustainable development agenda, from the Earth Summit in…
From SDG Academy
8,207 plays
A Brief History of the SDGsThis chapter presents the origins of the SDGs, how they arose and why? The chapter conveys the core idea that clear goal-setting is essential for progress and examines the process through which the…
From SDG Academy
3,936 plays