Search for tag: "introduction to the sdgs"

The Sustainable Development Goals

On September 2015, the 193 countries of the UN…

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From  SDG Academy 47 plays

Transitioning from the Millennium Development Goals

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were…

+8 More
From  SDG Academy 52 plays

Intangible cultural heritage and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

This chapter discusses the interdependence…

From  SDG Academy 70 plays

Introducing SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

SDG 16 seeks to promote peaceful and inclusive…

From  SDG Academy 48 plays

Introducing SDG 15: Life on land

Terrestrial ecosystems are all ecosystems on…

From  SDG Academy 17 plays

Introducing SDG 14: Life below water

Human activities have many adverse effects on…

From  SDG Academy 24 plays

Introducing SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities

SDG 11 is entitled Sustainable cities and…

From  SDG Academy 28 plays

Introducing SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

In this video, Professor Emeritus Jeff Hearn and…

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From  SDG Academy 22 plays

Introducing SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy

SDG 7 seeks to increase the share of renewable…

From  SDG Academy 41 plays

Introducing SDG 5: Gender equality

SDG 5 focuses on gender equality. It is…

From  SDG Academy 29 plays

Introducing SDG 3: Good health and well-being

Different challenges related to health and…

From  SDG Academy 98 plays

Introducing SDG 2: Zero hunger

Around 11% of the world’s population is…

From  SDG Academy 66 plays

Introducing SDG 1: No poverty

Around 10% of the world’s population still…

From  SDG Academy 177 plays

¿Que entendemos por desarrollo sostenible?

En este capítulo, María…

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From  SDG Academy 231 plays

Cátedra nuestro futuro

Este vídeo es la última…

From  SDG Academy 7 plays

Agricultura y océanos

Este vídeo es la quinta lección del…

From  SDG Academy 10 plays