Search for tag: "ocean exploration"
Summing It Up: Food and the OceanIn this module, we learned that the ocean plays a vital role in ensuring food security, and moreover that fisheries and aquaculture need to be better managed if we want the ocean to continue being…
From SDG Academy
9 plays
Our Ocean: A Finite ResourceIn this chapter we learn about the enormous contribution of fish and seafood to human nutrition, what the ocean provides us, and how its resources are finite. This video is licensed under the CC…
From SDG Academy
36 plays
Governing Ocean PollutionIn this video, you will learn how multifaceted strategies for governing ocean pollution can be. Ocean pollution does not know any boundaries but it affects us all and all parts of the world,…
From SDG Academy
118 plays
Submarine Landslides and TsunamisEarthquakes can cause tsunamis. This video deals with another cause of tsunamis, namely submarine landslides. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license. This video is licensed under…
From SDG Academy
9 plays
Ocean LiteracyA sustainable ocean concerns us all - ocean literacy is essential to bring out engagement, to bring across knowledge and to enable people to feel empowered to be better stewards of their ocean. This…
From SDG Academy
10 plays
The Ocean as a Common Heritage of HumankindIn this video, you will find out how governance of the territorial (and coastal) waters of sovereign states differs from governance of the high seas. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA…
From SDG Academy
7 plays
The Ages of GlobalizationToday’s most urgent problems are fundamentally global. They require nothing less than concerted, planet-wide action if we are to secure a long-term future. But humanity’s story has always…
From SDG Academy
956 plays
Water-related EcosystemsThis chapter discusses water-related ecosystems in the contexts of the SDGs and the water quality challenge in the SDG6 perspective and the dynamics from source to sea. This video is licensed under…
From SDG Academy
4 plays
Existing Structures of Global GovernanceThis chapter is about global governance and structures to deal with complex global environmental problems. Governance is a set of complex interactions between state and non-state actors at the global…
From SDG Academy
53 plays
Aerosol LoadingThis chapter explains the concern about atmospheric aerosols, which are liquid droplets or particles that are suspended in the atmosphere. They absorb and reflect light, play an important role in…
From SDG Academy
83 plays
Interference with Global Nitrogen and Phosphorous CyclesThis chapter discusses human impacts on the global nitrogen and phosphorus cycles that link the living and non-living parts of the Earth system. These chemical relationships control the general…
From SDG Academy
120 plays
Feedbacks Interactions and Regime ShiftsThis chapter discusses feedbacks, interactions, and regime shifts in social-ecological systems, which can also be thought of as tipping points or critical transitions, and which have some sort of…
From SDG Academy
19 plays
Entering the AnthropoceneScience indicates that although the Holocene is our desired state, we have moved into the Anthropocene. Human influence has constituted a force of change that is, in pace and magnitude, larger than…
From SDG Academy
4 plays
Humanity's Period of Grace: The HoloceneWhat is the desired state of planet Earth? We use different "cups" to show the various stable states that the ecosystem can reside in. We have been in the Holocene period for the last…
From SDG Academy
27 plays
Non-Linear Thinking in the AnthropoceneResilience has a dual nature, of thinking about sustaining what we want to sustain, AND building the capacity to adapt or transform toward something better. We live in a world that is uncertain and…
From SDG Academy
173 plays
The Beginning of Divergence of the West and AsiaProfessor Sachs begins this chapter by explaining Angus Maddison's graphs of GDP per capita and population from the 1700s, in order to explain Europe’s rise to power during the fourth wave…
From SDG Academy
140 plays