Search for tag: "oil"
Conversation with Jean Dong, Chinese Statecraft in a Changing World: Demystifying Enduring Traditions and Dynamic ConstraintsPlease join Professor Jeffrey Sachs and China expert, Jean Dong as they discuss Dong’s fascinating book, Chinese Statecraft in a Changing World: Demystifying Enduring Traditions and Dynamic…
From SDG Academy
18 plays
Agribusiness and Livelihood Systems in the AmazonThis lecture presents key agrarian systems in the Amazon (e.g., crops, livestock), their role in deforestation and degradation, fragmentation, pollution of waterways, pressures on and/or displacement…
From SDG Academy
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Tackling Extractive Sector Corruption in Unstable Times: A Conversation Between Leila Kazemi and Alexandra GilliesThis is a recording of a live webinar that took place on October 28, 2020. Oil and mining sector corruption has led to political strife and billions lost in public funds in producer countries. Much…
From SDG Academy
184 plays
Q&A | Daniel Kaufmann | 2020 May 26The live Q&A session took place on May 26, 2020, and answered questions related to the natural resource governance in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. Dr. Daniel Kaufmann is President…
From SDG Academy
145 plays
Q&A | Mark Moody-Stuart | 2018 Feb. 18Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, a geologist in the oil, gas, and mining industries, answers questions about crude oil prices and other topics. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
3 plays
Q&A| Lise Johnson | 2016 Oct. 7Lise Johnson answers questions about issues like noncompliance in the oil industry. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
5 plays
Q&A | Nicolas Maennling | 2016 Nov. 22Nicolas Maennling from the Columbia Center for Sustainable Investment answers questions on the resource curse and how to avoid it, how to prevent and preempt the resource curse, and other topics. …
From SDG Academy
5 plays
Q&A | Anthony Paul | 2016 Nov. 18Anthony Paul, a geologist and geophysicist working in the oil and gas sector, answers questions on supply chain, the diversification effect on local economies and other topics. This video is licensed…
From SDG Academy
2 plays
Q&A | Mark Moody-Stuart | 2016 Sep. 29Sir Mark Moody Stuart on the subject of oil, gas, and mining governance on various aspects of resource management. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
4 plays
The Origin of Agriculture: Evolution of the Mediterranean DietThis chapter discusses the origin of agriculture since early human communities in the Med region started depending on hunting 13,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent, where domestication of the…
From SDG Academy
21 plays
Downstream LinkagesIn this chapter, Anthony Paul looks at the downstream linkages of oil, gas, and minerals and the benefits of extracting, selling, and converting these resources into useable products. When and how do…
From SDG Academy
11 plays
Environmental Challenges and Trends: Oil and GasIn this chapter, Daniel Franks outlines some of the key environmental trends associated with the extractive industries and looks at what the policy options are available to address and manage these…
From SDG Academy
34 plays
State-Owned Enterprises: Role and GovernanceState-controlled companies often play an outsized role in the management of the oil, gas, and mining industries. For example, they control about 90 percent of all global oil reserves and are…
From SDG Academy
103 plays
From Oil Well to Car: Markets, Players, and Extraction Process in OilHow do oil and gas develop? This chapter describes the scientific process of resource extraction and its production into oil and gas. It also details the five major advances in technology in the…
From SDG Academy
23 plays
Fundamentals of Energy and PetroleumCarol Nakhle, CEO of Crystol Energy, discusses the various sources of energy (particularly contrasting renewable and non-renewable energies), how the amount of energy coming from the various sources…
From SDG Academy
9 plays
Corruption Trends in the Extractive SectorThe extractive sector is famously prone to corruption. Resource rich countries on average score far worse than their non-resource rich peers on measures of corruption. Among the aspects of the…
From SDG Academy
90 plays