Search for tag: "policy"

Conversation with Monika Wiesak, America's Last President

Join Professor Jeffrey Sachs and Monika Wiesak as they discuss one of America's most iconic leaders in, America's Last President: What the World Lost When It Lost John F. Kennedy. Listen in…

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From  SDG Academy 427 plays

Conversation with Lindsey O'Rourke, Covert Regime Change

Join Professor Jeffrey Sachs and political scientist Lindsey O’Rourke as they discuss O’Rourke’s remarkable book, Covert Regime Change. US foreign policy is based heavily on trying…

+6 More
From  SDG Academy 163 plays

Accelerating Multilateralism with Transformations in Science-Policy-Practice Interfaces

This SDG Action Weekend Side Event, hosted at UNHQ in New York, outlined the crucial role that multi-lateral Science-Policy-Practice Partnerships play in building global capacities to implement the…

From  SDG Academy 9 plays

Conversation with Francisco Rodríguez, The Human Consequences of Economic Sanctions

Join Professor Jeffrey Sachs and economist Francisco Rodríguez as they discuss Prof. Rodriguez’s newest publication, The Human Consequences of Economic Sanctions. Prof. Rodriguez is an…

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From  SDG Academy 48 plays

Conversation with Richard Layard and Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, Wellbeing

Join Professor Jeffrey Sachs and two of the world's leading experts on the economics of wellbeing, Lord Richard Layard and Professor Jan-Emmanuel De Neve to discuss their newest book, Wellbeing:…

+2 More
From  SDG Academy 180 plays

Social protection and climate change

Climate change has already resulted in climate-related extreme events of greater frequency and/or intensity. This, along with long-term changes in average conditions (whether in temperature or…

From  SDG Academy 4 plays

Good governance of social protection systems

Good governance of social protection systems is one of the preconditions for the effective realization of human rights. Governance starts at the highest levels of policymaking —…

From  SDG Academy 1 plays

Social protection across countries

Despite the unprecedented worldwide expansion of social protection during the COVID-19 crisis, more than 4 billion people around the world remain entirely unprotected. This is a pivotal moment to…

From  SDG Academy 1 plays

Ensuring gender-responsiveness and disability-inclusiveness

Effective mainstreaming of disability issues requires the inclusion of persons with disabilities in decision-making in all areas of policymaking, at all levels of government and elsewhere,…

From  SDG Academy 1 plays

Making work decent

We need to put decent work at the center of actions to bring back economic growth and build a new global economy that puts people first. We all need to think about the importance of good work…

From  SDG Academy 4 plays

Social health protection and access to health care without hardship for all

Explores the concept of universal social protection and examines the protection over the complete life cycle. To make health for all a reality, all people must have access to high quality services…

From  SDG Academy 11 plays

EbA and Traditional Knowledge and Indigenous and Local Knowledge

This video is the third of four mandatory insight unit videos which provide a deep dive into cross-cutting topics of EbA. In this video, participants learn about traditional knowledge and Indigenous…

From  SDG Academy 3 plays

Designing EbA M&E: Developing a results framework

This video is the first in a four-part series that guides participants through a four-step process on how to design and implement monitoring and evaluation in EbA projects. In this video,…

+8 More
From  SDG Academy 15 plays

Funding for EbA

This video provides a brief introduction on funding mechanisms for EbA projects.

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From  SDG Academy 2 plays

Conversation with María Fernanda Espinosa & K. Srinath Reddy, The Lancet Commission Report on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic

In this special episode, join Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Ms. María Fernanda Espinosa, and Professor K. Srinath Reddy for their discussion of The Lancet Commission Report on lessons for the…

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From  SDG Academy 16 plays

Pillar I - Institutional Framework and Public Policy

The first pillar of the Islamic development framework is building an objective-focused institutional framework that creates an enabling atmosphere for public policy design. It is critical as the…

+7 More
From  SDG Academy 0 plays