Search for tag: "structural change"

From now to an alternative: The missing project

In the final session of The Turn, Professor Jeffrey Sachs and Roberto Mangabeira Unger present their visions of a "progressive alternative" and discuss what steps should be taken to bring…

From  SDG Academy 202 plays

Losing and finding the way: The United States and Brazil

In this second session of The Turn, Professor Jeffrey Sachs and Roberto Mangabeira Unger will explore the rise of populism and the shift towards progressivism in the contexts of the United States and…

From  SDG Academy 207 plays

Stagnant and divided: Socially-inclusive economic growth and progressive politics

In this first session of The Turn, Professors Jeffrey Sachs and Roberto Mangabeira Unger set the stage for their discussion and seek to answer the question "What happened to socially inclusive…

From  SDG Academy 636 plays

Nature’s solutions to flash flooding: a case study from Oman

This video is the second video of unit 3.2 of the course Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience taught by Nathalie Doswald, Mikhail Fernandes, and Xinyue Gu. What are…

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From  SDG Academy 22 plays

What We Hope For

In the final video of Roberto Mangabeira Unger's Freedom Now series, Professor Unger concludes his vision of a progressive alternative by stating that the task of institutions is to create a…

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From  SDG Academy 45 plays

High-Energy Democracy

In the tenth video of Roberto Mangabeira Unger's Freedom Now series, Professor Unger describes three sets of innovations to create a "high-energy" democracy that enables ongoing…

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From  SDG Academy 60 plays

The Capable Agent: Education

In the ninth video of Roberto Mangabeira Unger's Freedom Now series, Professor Unger lays out his four-part vision of a truly progressive approach to education. This video is also featured in…

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From  SDG Academy 249 plays

The Capable Agent: Security and Plasticity

In the eighth video of Roberto Mangabeira Unger's Freedom Now series, Professor Unger states that for individuals to become a truly capable agent in a progressive economy, they must be supported…

+8 More
From  SDG Academy 54 plays

Taxation and Inequality

In the seventh video of Roberto Mangabeira Unger's Freedom Now series, Professor Unger calls for transformation in the the innovation of the market order, and outlines his vision for a…

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From  SDG Academy 53 plays

Finance and the Real Economy

In the sixth video of Roberto Mangabeira Unger's Freedom Now series, Professor Unger differentiates finance from the real economy, and argues for a completely new way of thinking about the…

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From  SDG Academy 90 plays

Labor and capital

In the fifth video of Roberto Mangabeira Unger's Freedom Now series, Professor Unger argues that a truly progressive approach to the economy requires a change in the relation of labor to capital…

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From  SDG Academy 62 plays

The New Dilemma of Development

In the third video of Roberto Mangabeira Unger's Freedom Now series, Professor Unger explains that traditional means of promoting economic development—industrialization via mass market…

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From  SDG Academy 145 plays

The Knowledge Economy and Its Future

In the fourth video of Roberto Mangabeira Unger's Freedom Now series, Professor Unger outlines the characteristics of the knowledge economy and discusses what production processes must change in…

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From  SDG Academy 92 plays

The Scope of a Progressive Program

In the second video of Roberto Mangabeira Unger's Freedom Now series, Professor Unger lays out the three axis points of his progressive alternative: democratization of the market economy,…

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From  SDG Academy 153 plays

Thinking about Alternatives

In the first video of his series Freedom Now: The Economic and Political Alternative, philosopher Roberto Mangabeira Unger argues that traditional progressive politics do not go far enough in their…

+7 More
From  SDG Academy 300 plays

What is structural change? What is economic transformation?

John Page gives us a quick introduction to key terms regarding economic transformation for Africa's future. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

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From  SDG Academy 7 plays