Search for tag: "systems"
Climate regulation in the AmazonThis lecture highlights the importance of the Amazon in regional and global climate regulation, emphasizing its role as a substantial carbon sink that lowers CO2 levels in the atmosphere. It also…
From SDG Academy
0 plays
Conversation with Glenn Denning, Universal Food SecurityJoin Professor Jeffrey Sachs and Professor Glenn Denning, a world-leading specialist in agricultural and food policy to discuss Denning’s new book Universal Food Security: How to End Hunger…
From SDG Academy
76 plays
Conversation with Orlando Figes, The Story of RussiaJoin Professors Jeffrey Sachs and Orlando Figes, historian and author of The Crimean War: A History (2012) and his new book, The Story of Russia (2022), in a fascinating discussion of Russian history…
From SDG Academy
183 plays
Social protection and climate changeClimate change has already resulted in climate-related extreme events of greater frequency and/or intensity. This, along with long-term changes in average conditions (whether in temperature or…
From SDG Academy
4 plays
Social protection at the crossroads: Shaping the future of social protectionNew ways of protecting people are needed. Together, we can shape the future of social protection in ways that ensure broad gains for societies in general, and the poorest in particular. This video…
From SDG Academy
0 plays
Social protection for familiesChildren and adolescents face significant barriers in securing access to health care —including vaccination schemes— and to education. They are also at a higher risk of falling behind…
From SDG Academy
1 plays
Good governance of social protection systemsGood governance of social protection systems is one of the preconditions for the effective realization of human rights. Governance starts at the highest levels of policymaking —…
From SDG Academy
1 plays
Social protection around the world: Who is covered against what, how and where?Social protection systems help poor and vulnerable people cope with crises and shocks, find jobs, invest in the health and education of their children, and protect the aging population. Social…
From SDG Academy
2 plays
Social protection across countriesDespite the unprecedented worldwide expansion of social protection during the COVID-19 crisis, more than 4 billion people around the world remain entirely unprotected. This is a pivotal moment to…
From SDG Academy
1 plays
Ensuring gender-responsiveness and disability-inclusivenessEffective mainstreaming of disability issues requires the inclusion of persons with disabilities in decision-making in all areas of policymaking, at all levels of government and elsewhere,…
From SDG Academy
1 plays
Social health protection and access to health care without hardship for allExplores the concept of universal social protection and examines the protection over the complete life cycle. To make health for all a reality, all people must have access to high quality services…
From SDG Academy
11 plays
EbA and AgricultureThis video is the first of three sector-specific insight units. In this video, participants learn about the importance of EbA for agriculture and food systems. This video is licensed under the CC…
From SDG Academy
16 plays
EbA in action: Examples from different ecosystemsThis video provides examples of EbA measures that can be implemented in different ecosystems, including coastal areas, forests and grasslands, amongst others. This video is licensed under the CC…
From SDG Academy
3 plays
Valuation in the EbA Mainstreaming FrameworkThis video explains how valuation fits into the EbA mainstreaming framework and highlights its ability to prioritise EbA actions. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
2 plays
What is EbA valuation and why is it important?This video introduces the concept of EbA valuation and explains why it is an important framework for assessing the effectiveness of EbA actions. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
5 plays
Conversation with María Fernanda Espinosa & K. Srinath Reddy, The Lancet Commission Report on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemicIn this special episode, join Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Ms. María Fernanda Espinosa, and Professor K. Srinath Reddy for their discussion of The Lancet Commission Report on lessons for the…
From SDG Academy
16 plays