Search for tag: "transboundary water governance"
River Basin Organizations and the Implementation of Treaty CommitmentsOn March 16 2021 at 3pm (CET), the Transboundary freshwater security governance train arrived at its third stop. The interactive online session will be about “River Basin Organisations (RBOs)…
From SDG Academy
1 plays
Ecosystems, International Law, and Transboundary Water CooperationOn 16 February 2021, Global Water Partnership (GWP) and Wuhan International Water Law Academy (IWLA) organized the second event of the "transboundary freshwater security governance train"…
From SDG Academy
2 plays
Transboundary Water AgreementsOn 19 January 2021, Global Water Partnership and Wuhan International Water Law Academy (IWLA) organized the first event of the "transboundary freshwater security governance train" session…
From SDG Academy
1 plays
Financing Climate Change Responses in Transboundary River BasinsThis lecture looks at why climate finance may be a good option for RBOs for sourcing finance, what challenges exist in obtaining finance, the increased focus on climate finance at development…
From SDG Academy
5 plays
Funding from Regional Trust Funds: Focus on the African Water FacilityThis lecture focuses on the African Water Facility and its work on transboundary waters in Africa. The African Water Vision is presented, along with different financing mechanisms available. This…
From SDG Academy
3 plays
Case study: Accessing Adaptation Fund for the Lake Victoria Transboundary BasinThis case study illustrates experiences of the Lake Victoria Basin Commission on how to access the Adaptation Fund. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
14 plays
Case study: Green Climate Fund: Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change (PIDACC) in the Niger BasinIn 2018, the Green Climate Fund approved PIDACC in the Niger basin. This video illustrates a story from the Niger Basin Authority that played a key role in developing this program. This video is…
From SDG Academy
11 plays
Case study: The Blue Peace Financing Mechanism: The Gambia River Development Organization (OMVG) Pilot CaseThis case study presents the Blue Peace financing mechanism, which supports riparian countries to develop master plans and joint investment plans based on a portfolio approach, and its pilot case the…
From SDG Academy
15 plays
Private Financing for Transboundary ProjectsThis lecture covers why transboundary water may be important to the private sector and why the private sector may be of interest to transboundary organizations. It does this by looking at entry…
From SDG Academy
3 plays
Funding from International Financial Institutions: Focus on the World BankThis lecture provides broad-level information on the various funds available from the World Bank. The lecture provides examples of the work of the World Bank in the Nile Basin.
From SDG Academy
2 plays
Case study: La Plata Basin – Accessing GEF Finance for Basin CooperationThis case study discusses how the riparian countries of the La Plata basin have accessed GEF funding as an avenue to collaborating to implement TDA and develop SAPs. This video is licensed under…
From SDG Academy
0 plays
Multilateral Global Fund: The GEF ApproachThis lecture presents the Global Environment Facility in general, and its International Waters (IW) focal area in particular, by presenting the GEF portfolio and its funding modalities and overall…
From SDG Academy
1 plays
Case study: Why Invest in Transboundary Basin Activities? A Case from the OMVSThis case study looks at the OMVS, its history and development, and the extensive use of infrastructure held in common within the organization. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
0 plays
Why Invest in Transboundary Basin Activities?This lecture discusses financing in transboundary water contexts, mainly by looking at possibilities and obstacles when it comes to accessing funding. Different types of funding are presented, as…
From SDG Academy
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Case study: Financing the Mekong River Commission (MRC)This case study looks at the funding of the MRC, which consists of funding from the member states and development partners, and how this has changed over time since the MRC was established in 1995.…
From SDG Academy
3 plays
Financing Transboundary Water Cooperation Processes, Institutions, and Basin DevelopmentThis lecture introduces the importance of financing for transboundary basins, by looking at the expected costs associated with transboundary water management and organizations, as well as potential…
From SDG Academy
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