Search for tag: "west africa"

Domestic Violence Awareness in Cameroon: A Project by ICRIDEV

The international Centre for Research, Inter-Religious Dialogue and Development joins the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon to say “No to Domestic Violence”. It is an issue of concern…

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From  SDG Academy 45 plays

Case study: Green Climate Fund: Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change (PIDACC) in the Niger Basin

In 2018, the Green Climate Fund approved PIDACC in the Niger basin. This video illustrates a story from the Niger Basin Authority that played a key role in developing this program. This video is…

From  SDG Academy 11 plays

Case Study: Water Cooperation and Peace in West Africa

This case study presents two river basin organizations (RBOs) in West Africa, the Senegal River Basin Development Organization (OMVS) and the Gambia River Basin Development Organization (OMVG), and…

From  SDG Academy 4 plays

Agricultural Intensification in Koutiala, Mali

Ken Giller presents an example of a region where sustainable agricultural intensification is key. This video was recorded in Koutiala, Mali, in early March 2019. This video is licensed under the CC…

From  SDG Academy 14 plays

Rural Sanitation

This chapter covers rural sanitation, looking at the global challenges and then a case at the national level in Burkina Faso. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

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From  SDG Academy 16 plays

Case Study: Blood Chocolate: Cacao and Conflict in Cote d'Ivoire

While acknowledging that there were a variety of factors that led to the outbreak and conduct of Cote d’Ivoire’s two civil wars, this chapter specifically considers how rebels exploited…

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From  SDG Academy 132 plays