Search for tag: "deforestation"
Impacts of Deforestation and Degradation on Human Health and Well-BeingThis lecture presents the far-reaching consequences of deforestation and degradation on the health of Amazonian populations. Topics covered include the elevated risks of infectious diseases,…
From SDG Academy
0 plays
Drivers and Ecological Impacts of Forest DegradationThis lecture explores key drivers that have led to the degradation of 17% of the Amazon Basin, and how this significantly impacts the environment through various effects including changes in…
From SDG Academy
0 plays
Drivers and Ecological Impacts of DeforestationThis lecture explores key drivers that have led to the deforestation of 17% of the Amazon Basin, and how this significantly impacts the environment through various effects including increased…
From SDG Academy
1 plays
Implementing SDG 15: Life on landSDG 15 focuses on the preservation and sustainable management of terrestrial ecosystems. One target of SDG 15 is the sustainable management of forests, including actions to halt deforestation,…
From SDG Academy
7 plays
The Sustainable Development GoalsThis lecture looks at the 40 year history of sustainable development on the international stage and the development of the SDGs from past failures of attempts to mitigate climate change, and the…
From SDG Academy
681 plays
International DynamicsThis lecture is about the use of international treaties and policies to protect biodiversity, enforce conservation . It highlights what global efforts can do to better support a track towards…
From SDG Academy
17 plays
DeforestationThis lecture looks at deforestation as a loss of biodiversity, highlighting the risks of continued deforestation. This video is not available under a Creative Commons license and should not be…
From SDG Academy
30 plays
Supply Chain Solutions to Deforestation: Evidence from BrazilIn this chapter, Natalie Walker discuss supply chain solutions to deforestation. International corporations have adopted zero-deforestation policies in groups, but can they actually make a…
From SDG Academy
15 plays
The Need to Reduce Uncertainties in Global Land Use InformationIn this chapter, Steffen Fritz talks about the need to reduce uncertainties in global land-use information. Information about global pressure points can be retrieved using remote sensing information,…
From SDG Academy
13 plays
Evaluation of Public Policies for SDG 15This chapter focuses on three of the main targets of SDG 15, which are to halt deforestation and ecosystem degradation, promote sustainable management of both terrestrial ecosystems and inland…
From SDG Academy
14 plays
Forest CertificationForest certification is a means of ensuring that forests continue to provide ecosystem services and social benefits long-term in a way that is credible to consumers who are involved in the supply…
From SDG Academy
5 plays
Payment for Environmental ServicesPayment for Environmental Services (PES), created by Ronald Coase, is a valuation concept scheme that grew out of concern about deforestation and led to wide-scale adoption of the Integrated…
From SDG Academy
38 plays
Introduction to SDG 15This chapter provides an overview of the nine targets associated with SDG 15, which relates to terrestrial ecosystems or Life on Land. The targets focus on: preserving freshwater, sustainably…
From SDG Academy
117 plays
Social and Economic Importance of Terrestrial EcosystemsTerrestrial ecosystems are important for social and economic reasons through both their products – such as timber, fruits, etc. – and their services – such as water vapor. Although…
From SDG Academy
54 plays