Search for tag: "diplomacy"

Conversation with Jean Dong, Chinese Statecraft in a Changing World: Demystifying Enduring Traditions and Dynamic Constraints

Please join Professor Jeffrey Sachs and China expert, Jean Dong as they discuss Dong’s fascinating book, Chinese Statecraft in a Changing World: Demystifying Enduring Traditions and Dynamic…

From  SDG Academy 7 plays

Book Club Q&A | 2021 April 8

Professor Jeffrey Sachs answers Book Club members' questions about Sherwin's Gambling with Armageddon, Rothstein's The Color of Law, and Khalidi's The Hundred Years’ War on…

From  SDG Academy 79 plays

Case study: Women in Water Diplomacy

This case study discusses why increasing the capacity of women as water leaders is important in the context of water diplomacy. This video also introduces international policies and strategies for…

From  SDG Academy 20 plays

Case study: Role of State and Non-state Actors in Water Diplomacy

This case study illustrates the role of diplomatic actors, international NGOs and academic actors as the state and non-state actors within water diplomacy. This video is licensed under the CC…

From  SDG Academy 53 plays

Case study: Water Diplomacy in Central Asia

This case study provides and introduction to the policy actions undertaken by the EU Council as part of EU water diplomacy to promote transboundary water cooperation.This video is licensed under the…

From  SDG Academy 15 plays

Case study: EU Water Diplomacy

This case study provides and introduction to the policy actions undertaken by the EU Council as part of EU water diplomacy to promote transboundary water cooperation. This video is licensed under…

From  SDG Academy 16 plays

Governance for Transboundary Freshwater Security - Trailer

Freshwater scarcity, stress, and crisis are increasing worldwide. More than a billion people live in water-scarce regions, and 3.5 billion could experience water scarcity by 2025. These pressures…

From  SDG Academy 10 plays