Search for tag: "emissions"

A Shifting Development Paradigm

Professor Rockström begins the lecture with a discussion of the environmental Kuznets curve, and the idea that, while local environmental conditions may improve as countries get richer,…

From  SDG Academy 9 plays

Towards COP21

This chapter discusses the path towards COP21 in Paris in December 2015. COP15 in Copenhagen was unsuccessful in reaching a new binding framework. Copenhagen set markers, such as the limit of 2…

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From  SDG Academy 20 plays

SDG Pathways: The Case of Deep Decarbonization

This chapter provides a case study on deep decarbonization to display the value of back-casting. In particular, Professor Sachs presents the work of SDSN's Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project.…

From  SDG Academy 17 plays

What is Fair?

This chapter discusses fairness, which intuitively is presented as equal sharing by countries in the carbon budget. However, this could be problematic, because if each country is required to have an…

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From  SDG Academy 14 plays

What is the Global Emissions Reduction Pathway for the 2-degree Limit

This chapter looks at the shape of the emission reduction trajectory to determine how to reach net zero emissions by the second half of the century. In 2010, the global greenhouse gases annual…

From  SDG Academy 16 plays

Comparing with the Potential Emissions from Fossil Fuel Reserves and Resources

This chapter compares the global budget for CO2 energy emissions to stay within the 2 degree limit with the potential emissions embedded into the fossil fuel reserves and resources, which is…

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From  SDG Academy 12 plays

What is the Global Carbon Budget for the 2-degree Limit?

The greenhouse gas concentration that is consistent with the 2 degree objective is between 430 and 480 part per million of CO2 equivalent. The global carbon budget will only be calculated for CO2; we…

From  SDG Academy 17 plays

The Business as Usual Trajectory

This chapter discusses the objective of limiting the temperature increase to less than 2 degrees Celsius compared to the pre-industrial level. The ultimate objective of the UNFCCC is to stabilize…

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From  SDG Academy 32 plays

The Greenhouse Gases and Feedbacks

This chapter discusses anthropogenic greenhouse gases and climate forcing. It is important to note that carbon dioxide and other emitted gases mix with the atmosphere and have an effect on global…

From  SDG Academy 52 plays

Putting a Price on Carbon, Part 1

The carbon tax is an important market-based part of the policy mix in the climate debate, but not the only solution to the emissions problem. The price of carbon must reflect the social benefit and…

From  SDG Academy 6 plays

Principles of Public Policy

What should governments do using taxation, regulation, public financing, or other public policy tools to achieve the low-emissions solutions that are necessary to achieve sustainable development? In…

From  SDG Academy 98 plays

GHG Mitigation in Agriculture, Part 1

In this chapter, Petr Havlik presents the challenges with respect to climate change mitigation in the agricultural sector. Agriculture and land use must reduce direct emissions from agriculture,…

From  SDG Academy 33 plays

GHG Mitigation in Agriculture, Part II

In this chapter, Petr Havlik mentions that the trade offs between climate mitigation and food availability are potential real in the developing world and presents several examples of mechanisms which…

From  SDG Academy 24 plays

The Role of Innovation to Reduce Emissions

This chapter profiles a number of initiatives focused on innovation for energy and they connect to investment and policy. One is Mission Innovation, which includes 20 countries committed to investing…

From  SDG Academy 21 plays

Case Study: Canada Deep Decarbonization

This is a case study of Canada's efforts towards deep decarbonization. Chris Bataille focuses on the Canadian target of approximately 90 percent emissions reduction by 2050, and initiatives to…

From  SDG Academy 106 plays

Case Study: Australia Deep Decarbonization

This is a case study of Australia's efforts towards deep decarbonization. John Thwaites focuses on reaching net zero emissions in buildings by 2050, and the three pillars to do so: energy…

From  SDG Academy 26 plays