Search for tag: "global health"

Case Study: Unlocking Zakat to Help Communities: UNDP Indonesia

Engaging with Islamic finance is a part of…

+11 More
From  SDG Academy 2 plays

Setting the Pace in a Fast-Changing World

The world is moving into a fourth industrial…

+11 More
From  SDG Academy 0 plays

Global economic recovery from the pandemic: II

This is the eleventh lecture in the course…

+8 More
From  SDG Academy 48 plays

Global economic recovery from the pandemic:

This is the tenth lecture in the course "The…

+7 More
From  SDG Academy 54 plays

Vaccine development: intellectual property as public goods, the role of patents, the role of public financing

This is the eighth lecture in the course…

+9 More
From  SDG Academy 36 plays

Economic consequences of the epidemic: costs of disease, costs of mortality, economic disruptions, macroeconomic impacts, economic inequality

This is the seventh lecture in the course…

+4 More
From  SDG Academy 42 plays

Comparative performance in epidemic control: a global perspective on the course of the epidemic in different countries and regions

This is the sixth lecture in the course "The…

+7 More
From  SDG Academy 49 plays

The epidemiology of Covid-19: basic reproduction number, incubation period, infection fatality rate, etc

This is the fourth lecture in the course…

+7 More
From  SDG Academy 56 plays

Modelling epidemics, the S-E-I-R model, epidemic dynamics, etc.

This is the second lecture in the course…

From  SDG Academy 138 plays

Implications of COVID-19 for Public Health and the SDGs

COVID-19 is complicating SDG implementation…

+14 More
From  SDG Academy 153 plays

The Epidemiology and Economics of Coronavirus

The COVID-19 global health pandemic is rapidly…

+13 More
From  SDG Academy 184 plays

Transforming Our World: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals – Trailer

In this course, learn all about the 17…

From  SDG Academy 37 plays

The Future of Public Health

In this final lecture from the "Global…

From  SDG Academy 42 plays

The Challenge of Ageing Populations

This video addresses the concerns of health of…

+6 More
From  SDG Academy 110 plays

Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship

Education is crucial for global development and…

+8 More
From  SDG Academy 6,045 plays

The Consequences of the BAU Trajectory

In this chapter, Emmanuel Guérin discusses…

+8 More
From  SDG Academy 95 plays