Search for tag: "goals"
Impact Measurement and Management ProcessImpact measurement and management process can be thought of in a framework of four steps. 1. Creating a plan for impact by mapping the business operations against the Sustainable Development Goals…
From SDG Academy
5 plays
Introduction to Islamic Social FinanceIslamic social finance can be defined as “the branch of Islamic finance where the products and services offered are designed to achieve social goals with or without profit”. There is a…
From SDG Academy
9 plays
Contribution of Islamic Finance to the SDGsFor Islamic finance to provide effective support to the Sustainable Development Goals, it is necessary to establish an enabling environment both at the country level and at the global level. At the…
From SDG Academy
2 plays
The Higher Ethical Objectives of Islamic FinanceThe higher ethical objectives of Islamic finance can be summarized as sustaining and developing the value of human life, the human self, society and the physical environment. These ethical…
From SDG Academy
1 plays
Transitioning from the Millennium Development GoalsThe Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were launched in 2000 to address global development concerns in a comprehensive structure. They made a significant contribution to global development in areas…
From SDG Academy
50 plays
Introduction to behaviour change interventionsWe can only know that our intervention has been effective if we can measure it. So, alongside designing our intervention, we need to think about implementing it in a way that will allow us to gather…
From SDG Academy
3 plays
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 SDGsIn September 2015, Heads of State and Government agreed to set the world on a path towards sustainable development through the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. At the core of…
From SDG Academy
58 plays
Applying Korea's Experience to Theory & PracticeApplying Korea’s Experience to Theory & Practice: Through top-down mobilization and bottom-up demand channeling, Korea as a nation could align and harmonize its national goals and work…
From SDG Academy
1 plays
What do the SDGs mean for developing countries?This video will talk about the basic ideas of how to achieve the sustainable development goals. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
9 plays
Women in the Informal WorkforceThis video will look at the constraints faced by women in the informal workforce. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
9 plays
Measuring Decent Work and SDG 8Measurement and monitoring is a key part of achieving decent work and the SDGs in general. Statistics give us evidence of where we stand and how far we still have to go to achieve our goals. They…
From SDG Academy
16 plays
The SDG Index: Technical TrainingIn this technical training, SDG Index Manager Guillaume Lafortune takes you step-by-step through the methodology behind the construction of the SDG Index and Dashboards. This video is licensed under…
From SDG Academy
39 plays
An Introduction to Health SystemsThis video addresses the role of health systems in delivering universal health coverage, looking at defining health systems and their goals and functions. This video is licensed under the CC…
From SDG Academy
66 plays
Water Resource Governance: From Source to Sea: Accelerating ProgressThis chapter examines the governance of water resources from source to sea and how we need to transform governance to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on the challenge of…
From SDG Academy
9 plays
SDG Pathways: The Case of Deep DecarbonizationThis chapter provides a case study on deep decarbonization to display the value of back-casting. In particular, Professor Sachs presents the work of SDSN's Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project.…
From SDG Academy
17 plays
Planning and BackcastingThis chapter addresses how governments can begin to think about the SDGs, how goals can be made quantifiable, and how SDG planning can be adopted into national processes. It explores back-casting, a…
From SDG Academy
332 plays