Hosted on the Esri ArcGIS platform, SDSN Malaysia’s SDG Monitor is a state-level dashboard for SDG performance. The platform’s interactive maps utilizes data from the Malaysian Department…
This video takes participants through the stakeholder analysis process, including identifying key actors and learning how to categorise them based on influence and interest. This video is licensed…
While each negotiation is different, the challenges they present for government negotiators are often similar. In this session, Solongoo Bayarsaikhan discusses internal and external challenges…
In this opening session, Alberto Reyes places contracts in the context of a country’s overall legal and policy framework. What are the differences between licensing and contract regimes? What…
Conozcamos la perspectiva del sector privado, a través de Daniel Uribe, Director Ejecutivo de la Fundación Corona. Ver Parte 1 Ver Parte 2 This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA…
Edgardo Bilsky and Andrea Ciambra answer questions on the role UCLG is playing in bringing local governments from across seven regions together to learn from each other and support each other in…
All of our aspirations for sustainable development depend on good governance. Good governance is vital so that government provides the public investments and the public services that underpin…
This video is part of Module 9: Who can enable and implement this change? United Cities and Local Governments [UCLG] is the largest international organization of local governments in the world. It…
The Exxon Valdez was the event that pushed the world to action when it came to oil spills; in this chapter, Daniel Franks takes a look at policy actions available to address environmental challenges.…
How do we actually measure and compare resource governance performance across countries? One tool includes a composite score for the degree to which the resource sector is managed in an accountable…
Governance is defined as a set of traditions and institutions by which authority in a country is exercised along the dimensions of political, economic, and institutional/institutional respect. The…
In this chapter, there is emphasis on labour market institutions, minimum wages, unionizations, and contracts. The differences in institutions are one of the causes in the differences in performance…
This chapter addresses the need for a shift to digital societies. Professor Sachs begins by describing the history and development of the digital age and emphasizes the importance of these tools for…
This video looks at the open movement, highlighting the need for transparency and collaboration and the principles of UNESCO's R.O.A.M. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.
This video focuses on the key conceptual tools in developing ICT technology for education policy, such as open education resources, open solutions, and open science. This video is licensed under…
This video covers the open government approach and its principles. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.