Search for tag: "productivity"
Introducing Impact Measurement and ManagementImpact measurement is quantifying effects directly or indirectly attributable to actions and it entails tracking performance against objectives and the resulting outcomes. Impact management is the…
From SDG Academy
25 plays
Introduction to Islamic Social FinanceIslamic social finance can be defined as “the branch of Islamic finance where the products and services offered are designed to achieve social goals with or without profit”. There is a…
From SDG Academy
9 plays
Disaggregating Productivity GainsThe digital era, throughout all of this technological change has been the principal long-term driver of the changing world of work public policy alongside has critically shaped how these…
From SDG Academy
6 plays
The Knowledge Economy and Its FutureIn the fourth video of Roberto Mangabeira Unger's Freedom Now series, Professor Unger outlines the characteristics of the knowledge economy and discusses what production processes must change in…
From SDG Academy
93 plays
Sustainable Cities – TrailerDid you know that experts estimate an additional three billion people will live in cities by 2050? What will the impact be on the current world population – half of which currently lives in…
From SDG Academy
36 plays
Q&A: Is this realistic? Can industries like tourism and horticulture actually play the same role as manufacturing?Is this realistic? Can industries like tourism and horticulture actually play the same role as manufacturing? This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
5 plays
Can we broaden the options?In this chapter, you will learn the role of product sophistication in the growth of an economy, how firms can play a role in bridging the income gap in developing countries, and whether there are…
From SDG Academy
3 plays
Is industry special?In this chapter, you will learn to define 'structural change' and 'industrialization', understand evolving perspectives on structural change, including that of the 'new…
From SDG Academy
25 plays
An Inconvenient LegacyThis chapter talks about the role and the fate of smallholders, particularly in Africa, but also in other parts of the world. What is their position in terms of food production, food security, and…
From SDG Academy
7 plays
Modern AgricultureSince 1900, agriculture in the developed world has seen large rises in productivity as human labor has been replaced by mechanization and assisted by synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and…
From SDG Academy
25 plays
Migration, Mobility and the Urban-Rural ContinuumThis video is part of Module 4: How can we make cities productive and reduce inequality? Learn about migration, mobility, and urban-rural areas. Rural-Urban Continuum Codes form a classification…
From SDG Academy
15 plays
What is Urban Poverty?This video is part of Module 3: How can we reduce urban poverty and make cities inclusive and safe? In this course learn about the major challenges currently faced by urban areas around the world…
From SDG Academy
2,556 plays
The Industrial Revolution: Population and ProductionThis chapter looks at the effects of the industrial revolution on the world population and the possibilities for production. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
10 plays
Production Possibility FrontierThis chapter continues the discussion of market economies by introducing the concept of the production possibility frontier. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
12 plays
From Oil Well to Car: Markets, Players, and Extraction Process in OilHow do oil and gas develop? This chapter describes the scientific process of resource extraction and its production into oil and gas. It also details the five major advances in technology in the…
From SDG Academy
23 plays
Globalization of Population SystemsIn this chapter, Professor Sachs considers that globalization involves global production systems, in which many countries are engaged in the production of a final product (such as the case of…
From SDG Academy
22 plays