Join Professor Jeffrey Sachs and Dr. Alfred de Zayas as they discuss de Zayas’s book, Building a Just World Order which delves into the possibility of a democratic and equitable international…
Date Uploaded
3 September, 2024
Join Professor Jeffrey Sachs and Monika Wiesak as they discuss one of America's most iconic leaders in, America's Last President: What the World Lost When It Lost John F. Kennedy. Listen in…
Date Uploaded
2 July, 2024
Join Professor Jeffrey Sachs and economist Francisco Rodríguez as they discuss Prof. Rodriguez’s newest publication, The Human Consequences of Economic Sanctions. Prof. Rodriguez is an…
Date Uploaded
14 August, 2023
Despite the unprecedented worldwide expansion of social protection during the COVID-19 crisis, more than 4 billion people around the world remain entirely unprotected. This is a pivotal moment to…
Effective mainstreaming of
disability issues requires the inclusion of persons with disabilities in decision-making in all areas
of policymaking, at all levels of government and elsewhere,…
This video is the third of four mandatory insight unit videos which provide a deep dive into cross-cutting topics of EbA. In this video, participants learn about traditional knowledge and Indigenous…
This video introduces the concept of risk and its three components: vulnerability, hazards and exposure. It also includes examples of climate risks. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA…
Date Uploaded
18 October, 2022
This video is the second of five videos which highlight cross-cutting topics that should be included in all EbA projects. In this video, participants learn about the topic of governance. This video…
Date Uploaded
18 October, 2022
This video is the first of five videos which highlight cross-cutting topics that should be included in all EbA projects. In this video, participants learn about the topic of climate justice. This…
Upgrading of the University Science Malaysia (USM), consistent with the Malaysian Development Plan for 2001-2010, aimed at providing quality human resources geared towards the needs of the nation and…
The first pillar of the Islamic development framework is building an objective-focused institutional framework that creates an enabling atmosphere for public policy design. It is critical as the…
The corporate governance mechanism stems from two major theories, the Shareholders Theory and the Stakeholders Theory. The Shareholders Theory states that the shareholders’ interest lies only…
Today, millions of people need humanitarian assistance due to natural disasters, war and conflicts, climate change, environmental degradation, and poverty. Add to this the most recent…
Islamic values and principles related to economics and finance can be broadly classified as ethics and legal rules. Ethical values concern moral teachings covering different aspects of behavior and…
Islamic teachings provide guidance in using resources and economic transactions within Islamic finance such as balance in use, avoiding waste and using the property without harming others, as well as…
Islamic Relief works in over 40 countries – fundraising in the global North and implementing humanitarian and development projects in the Global South, including microfinance in 10 countries in…