Search for tag: "spirituality"
Q&A | Hiro Yoshikawa | 2017 Apr. 14Hiro Yoshikawa answers questions related to The Best Start in Life course. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
6 plays
Religion and Peacebuilding"Religion--the sacred the notion of a deep reality that guides our lives--is an embedded reality. It affects how we think about sexuality and family and commerce and politics and education and…
From SDG Academy
393 plays
Towards a New Virtue Ethics for Sustainable DevelopmentI think it's important that the the fundamental teachings of Buddhism include interrelatedness. We call it "dependent origination." Buddhist economics is in contrast to the modern…
From SDG Academy
177 plays
The Ethics of Migration and RefugeesThis chapter discusses the complexities surrounding the ethics of migration and how different causes of migration require different approaches, and suggests a three-pronged approach for mitigating…
From SDG Academy
71 plays
Spirituality and the Common GoodThis chapter discusses spirituality as a basis for civilization, and how rediscovering those spiritual foundations and bringing them together in consensus not only allow us to contribute to common…
From SDG Academy
37 plays
Virtue Ethics as a Multi-Religious ConsensusIn this chapter, William Vendley finds the points of consensus between religious traditions, and shows how religious communities are well-positioned in terms of both spirituality and infrastructure…
From SDG Academy
4,473 plays
Ethics in Action - TrailerWhat do the world's great religious and secular philosophies have to say about ethical conduct? Which virtues are common across faiths? And what role do religious communities have to play in…
From SDG Academy
109 plays