This e-learning course is designed to cover the relationship between economic growth and transportation development in South Korea. The success of transport investment lies in securing sustainable…
One of the outstanding characteristics of transport system developed in South Korea is the establishment of energy-saving type system. The success factors that allowed South Korea to accomplish…
This E-learning course is designed to cover the relation between the Economic Growth and the Transport development in South Korea. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
Peter Newman, a professor at Curtin University, answers questions about subjects related to cities, such as public transport systems. This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
Soogil Young answers questions from learners during the last week of the course on "The Korean Story." Specifically, on transportation and how to implement the SDGs to facilitate…
Did you know that experts estimate an additional three billion people will live in cities by 2050? What will the impact be on the current world population – half of which currently lives in…
In this lecture, water management and transportation are presented as two major points of infrastructure that must be focused on in sustainable cities. This video is not available under a Creative…
This chapter introduces the four key drivers of industrialization: 'the basics', exports, capabilities and clusting/agglomerations, how 'the basics' are an essential foundation…
One of then negative aspects of food globalization is homogenization. An instance of this is that in all European countries, meat consumption, has increased by at least 100%. Intake of carbohydrates…
This video is part of Module 6: How can we provide universal urban services and infrastructure? Urban infrastructure including utilities, transport, environmental services, and housing are often…
This video is part of Module 6: How can we provide universal urban services and infrastructure? Transportation and land use patterns are inextricably linked. Transportation facilities and networks…
This video is part of Module 6: How can we provide universal urban services and infrastructure? To fight climate change, Thailand is keeping up its development of public transport such as the…
This chapter explains the concern about atmospheric aerosols, which are liquid droplets or particles that are suspended in the atmosphere. They absorb and reflect light, play an important role in…
In this chapter, Professor Larraín talks about the sources of economic growth and Solow's growth accounting framework. Solow’s framework says that there are three main sources of…
This chapter focuses on the purchasing power parity (PPP) and the interest rate arbitrage. Professor Larraín begins by explaining the law of one price, which states that a good must cost the…
This chapter discusses the transformation to smart cities and transport. Professor Sachs addresses the various dimensions of transformation, including smart infrastructure, zoning patterns,…