Search for tag: "us"
The American CenturyThis chapter starts its discussion in 1914, looking at the rise of the US as a world power and the "American Century." This video is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
From SDG Academy
5 plays
Labor and Saving, Part IIOur total gross domestic product is available either for consumption or for savings: savings are evaluated in more detail in this chapter through various perspectives. An economy allocates the output…
From SDG Academy
6 plays
Deriving GDP, Part IIIn this chapter, GDP is further explored from the perspective of the United States of America. The macroeconomy is described, including the number of workers, businesses, GDP, etc. The economy is…
From SDG Academy
6 plays
SDG Pathways: The Case of Deep DecarbonizationThis chapter provides a case study on deep decarbonization to display the value of back-casting. In particular, Professor Sachs presents the work of SDSN's Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project.…
From SDG Academy
17 plays
Differential DiagnosisThis chapter discusses how we can begin to diagnosis priority problems in various places/countries through a concept called "clinical economics". Through clinical economics we can make a…
From SDG Academy
38 plays
The Next Comers: US, Germany, Japan and the RestIn this module, Professor Sachs talks about the Anglo-American-led age of the industrial era. Britain became urban and a military force during the 19th century, and became the British Empire as we…
From SDG Academy
96 plays
US-led GlobalizationIn this chapter, Professor Sachs talks about USA-led globalization in the areas of governance, trade and decolonization. When World War II ended, the American economy had remarkable industrial…
From SDG Academy
90 plays
Case Study: US Deep Decarbonization (Part 2)This chapter dives into the deep decarbonization analysis done in the U.S. In particular, this analysis asked: What would it take for the U.S. to achieve an 80 percent greenhouse gas emission…
From SDG Academy
21 plays
Case Study: US Deep Decarbonization (Part 1)This chapter dives into the deep decarbonization analysis done in the U.S. In particular, this analysis asked: What would it take for the U.S. to achieve an 80 percent greenhouse gas emission…
From SDG Academy
23 plays