Politics and Development Strategies for the AmazonThis lecture provides an overview of historic economic activities and development strategies in the Amazon. Learn how Amazonian resources (oil, minerals, hydropower, and biodiversity) have been…
From SDG Academy
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2 plays
History & Contributions of Afro-Descendant Communities in the AmazonThis lecture examines the history and lasting contributions of Afro-descendant communities in the Amazon region. Learn how enslaved Africans were brought to the Americas as part of the Columbian…
From SDG Academy
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0 plays
Implementação de ODS 10: Reduzir as desigualdadesO ODS 10 está preocupado com a redução das desigualdades dentro e entre os países. Neste vídeo, conversamos com Marcia Ponce da rede Caritas no Brasil e aprendemos…
From SDG Academy
| 10
10 plays
Implementação de ODS 6: Água potável e saneamentoO ODS 6 visa garantir a disponibilidade e gestão sustentável de água e saneamento para todos. Conversamos com o Dr. Norman, Presidente da ISAE Business School em Curitiba,…
From SDG Academy
| 9
9 plays
Implementação de ODS 4: Educação de qualidadeO ODS 4 garante educação de qualidade inclusiva e equitativa e promove oportunidades de aprendizagem ao longo da vida para todos. Neste vídeo, conversamos com Maria Gloss,…
From SDG Academy
| 23
23 plays
Implications of COVID-19 for Public Health and the SDGsCOVID-19 is complicating SDG implementation efforts as well as posing a real risk to achieving targets on communicable disease, education, life expectancy, and decent work. In this second virtual…
From SDG Academy
| 152
152 plays
Voices from the Field | Vagner Diniz, Ceweb.br/NIC.brVagner Diniz is manages the Center for the Study of Web Technologies (Ceweb.br), a department of the Brazilian Network Information Center (Nic.br). His Voices from the Field video discusses why user…
From SDG Academy
| 1
1 plays
Voices from the Field | Claudio Acioly, Jr., UN-HabitatArchitect and urban planner Claudio Acioly, Jr., is the Head of the Training and Capacity Development Unit of UN-Habitat, based in Nairobi, Kenya. In this Voices from the Field video, Claudio shares…
From SDG Academy
| 13
13 plays
Case Study: Brazil's Intended Nationally Determined ContributionIn this chapter, Aline Soterroni talks about Brazil's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution for the Paris Climate Agreement. She discusses the Brazilian context, including its biospheres,…
From SDG Academy
| 8
8 plays
Supply Chain Solutions to Deforestation: Evidence from BrazilIn this chapter, Natalie Walker discuss supply chain solutions to deforestation. International corporations have adopted zero-deforestation policies in groups, but can they actually make a…
From SDG Academy
| 14
14 plays
Case Study: Brazil's Cetic.brIn this video, Alexandre Barbosa presents how Cetic.br has been regularly producing internationally comparable ICT-related statistics in Brazil. He also mentions how they have been addressing the…
From SDG Academy
| 53
53 plays
The Amazon Rainforest: The Bolsa Floresta ProgramThe Bolsa Floresta Program started in 2007 as a public policy program for the state of Amazonas focused on the reduction of deforestation. It has four components: income generation, social…
From SDG Academy
| 11
11 plays